Dallas Future of Public Health Data Summit

Dallas, TX | May 21-22, 2024


Goals and Objectives 
Develop a Roadmap for Local Data Modernization Priorities Aligned to the Future of Public Health Data

  • The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Office of Public Health Data, Surveillance, and Technology (OPHDST) shares its vision for the future of public health data and how it will support state, tribal, local, territorial health departments (STLTs) —particularly big city health departments (HDs)—in their work to achieve that vision.
  • Big Cities Health Coalition (BCHC) member jurisdictions share their data modernization goals and needs with OPHDST.
  • OPHDST and BCHC members articulate priority actions to meet the needs of big city HDs to execute the public health data strategy.

Below you can find the associated slides for each session.



Chrissie Juliano 
Executive Director, Big Cities Health Coalition

Slides: Welcome Presentation Chrissie Juliano

The Future of Public Health Data

Heather Strosnider 
Senior Advisor for Transformation, Office of Public Health Data, Surveillance, and Technology (OPHDST), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Overview of the Future of Public Health Data efforts, how OPHDST is supporting jurisdictions in this work (including workforce acceleration initiative), and how local health departments will be involved in planning and implementation.

Slides: The Future of Public Health Data Heather Strosnider


Phil Huang
Director and Health Authority, Dallas County Health and Human Services; Immediate Past Chair, Big Cities Health Coalition Board

Dallas County’s success in building a modernized data system infrastructure and discuss the unique challenges experienced within big city health departments.

Slides: The Future of Public Health Data Phil Huang

TEFCA, Data Sharing, & Implementation Centers (ICs)

Jim Jirjis 
Director, Data Policy and Standards Division, Office of Public Health Data, Surveillance, and Technology (OPHDST), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Overview of TEFCA including the current status and expected utilization within local health departments. Participants will learn how ICs will be a resource for advancing TEFCA and discuss.

Slides: TEFCA Data Sharing and Implementation Centers Jim Jirjis

Local Data Infrastructure: Needs, Challenges and Successes

Angela Dunn
Director (Public Health) and Co-Lead of Investigate and Respond Division

Slides: OPHDST Plans and Thoughts Angela Dunn


Quintin Mirick
Chief Data officer, Philadelphia Department of Public Health

Slides: Local Efforts to Develop Data Modernization Quintin Mirick


Joe Gibson
Senior Technical Advisor, CDC Foundation

Slides: Workforce Acceleration Initiative Joe Gibson

Data Modernization for Health Equity

Kristie Clarke
Senior Advisor on Data for Health Equity, Office of Public Health Data, Surveillance, and Technology (OPHDST), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Charge and vision for health equity as it relates to data modernization.

Slides: Data Modernization for Health Equity Kristie Clarke

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This project: Data Modernization Initiative Working Groups is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $1,915,915 with 100 percent funded by CDC/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by CDC/HHS, or the U.S. Government.