Individual Donors

Fiscal Year 2018 Report to Contributors

Anonymous (53)

Robert C. Aber, MD, EIS ’72

Acute Disease Epidemiology Section Staff, GA Dept. of Public Health

Ms. Kathy Adamee

Mr. Anthony Adams

Dr. William G. Adams, EIS ’92

Dr. James P. Alexander, EIS ’89*

Dr. Martha Alexander*

Ms. Judith Allen*

Dr. Roger L. Anderson, EIS ’66

Dr. M. Dewayne Andrews, EIS ’72

Dr. and Mrs. Benedict Archer, EIS ’66

Matthew Arnott

Mr. Aaron Arnstein

Janet Arrowsmith, EIS ’84

Rana J. Asghar III, MD, EIS ’04

Mr. Erik Åslin

Dr. Steven B. Auerbach, EIS ’89 and Ms. Karen Becker

Lynn Austin

Shuk C. Auyeung

Tracy Leigh Ayers, EIS ’16*

Kyle, Shauna, Nia and Miles Bachmeier

Dave Baden*

Kip Baggett, EIS 00*

Bill Baine, EIS ’72 and Martha Baine

Ms. Tai Baker*

Gerrit T. Bakker

Sharmilee Balasubramanian

J. Balitzky

Ms. Valerie Bampoe, PHPS ’12

Wanda D. Barfield, MD, MPH, EIS ’00*

Ms. Laurie Barker*

Ms. Pat Barner

Drs. Robert Barnitz and Jodi Gilman

Courtney Bartels

Dr. Michael L. Bartholomew, EIS ’10*

Ms. Sandra Barton

Ms. Jane Basile

Colin A. Basler, EIS ’13*

Mr. Emilso Batista Rodriguez

Mikel Bauer

Susan Baum and Robert Ludwig

Al and Barbara Baumstark

Mr. Alex Baydin

Michael J. Beach, EIS 95*

Ms. Diane M. Beistle*

Dr. Edward Belongia, EIS ’88 and Ms. Michelle Comeaux

Becky Benson

Robert Benson

Cynthia J. Berg, MD, MPH, EIS ’83

Ruth Berkelman, EIS ’78

Mr. Charles M. Bernstein

Mr. Richard Bernstein

Dr. Robert Bernstein, EIS ’79

Dr. Jeanne M. Bertolli, EIS ’94*

Dr. Aya Betensky and Dr. Robert Kraut

Ms. Elaine Bevans

Susan Biggs

Drs. Sue Binder, EIS ’84 and Jeff Sacks, EIS ’79

Sara Bingham*

Ms. Susan Birdwell

Gus Birkhead, EIS ’85

Dr. Kris Bisgard, EIS ’93*

Ms. Barbara K. Bisno

Ms. Linda Bissonnette

Dr. Robert E. Black, EIS ’75 and Dr. Maureen M. Black

Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Blaine

Dr. Paul Blaney

Ms. Anne T. Blankinship

Alan B. Bloch, MD, MPH, EIS ’80

Dr. Peter B. Bloland, EIS ’89*

Amy Bloom, EIS ’90*

Dr. Deborah Blum, EIS ’78

Dr. Daniel S. Blumenthal, EIS ’72

Stephen C. Boehmer

CDR Tegan Boehmer, EIS ’06

Don and Julie* Bolen

Maureen Bolon and Lincoln Lauhon

Letia Boseman*

Kevin Boston

Dr. Ginny Bowen, EIS ’13*

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bowers

Barbara A. Bowman*

Dr. Christopher Braden, EIS ’93 *

Windell Bradford

Joe Breman, EIS ’76 and Vicki Breman

Dr. Faye T. Bresler, EIS ’91

Edward and Dena Brody

Dr. John T. Brooks, EIS ’98*

Ms. Deb Brown

Mr. Joseph Brown

Ms. Mignon Brown

Mr. Patrick Brown

Patrick Brown

Ms. Sandi Brown, PHPS ’12

Mr. Thomas R. Brown

Ross and Carol Brownson

Ms. Jamaria Bryant

Ann M. Buff, MD, EIS ’06*

Ms. Julia Bugrysheva*

Ms. Tracey Burdick

Greg Burel

Rachel M. Burke, EIS ’16

Ann Burkhardt*

Ms. Stephanie Burkhead

Brent Burkholder and Debbie Cannon

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burleson

Erin Burns and Giles Alston

Ms. Cathy Buschmeier*

Tim Bush*

Sebastian Busschaert Ms. Allison Butler and Mrs. De Ann Butler

La Tanya Butler

Victor Caceres, EIS ’95* and Susan Caceres

Ms. Kathryn Calabrese

Dr. Glyn G. Caldwell, EIS ’67

Caleb Dagenhart

Paul T. Cantey, EIS ’07*

Dr. Denise Cardo*

Dr. and Mrs. Arvind V. Carpenter, EIS ’87

Ms. Ruth Carrico

Mr. Michael Carson

Mr. William Carter

Dr. Matthew Cartter

Ms. Pamela K. Cassiday*

Ken Castro, EIS ’83* and Irene Castro

Mary Denis Cauthen

CDC Foundation Communications Department Staff

Mr. Javier Cena-Perez

Ian Cero

Jennie Chadbourne

Harry Chambers

Donald W. Chandler, PhD

Shanmugapriya Chandrasekaran

Angela Chang

Ms. Elizabeth Chang

Jing Chen

Pi-hsueh Chen

Dr. Thomas Chester

Lalit Chhabra

Dr. Gene Chin, EIS ’97

Sheralyn Chisholm, RN

Ms. Maggie Christian

Mr. Glenroy Christie*

Ginger Chubbs*

Dr. Lawrence and Mrs. Wetterau

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Clarke

Drs. Kristie, EIS ’11* and Kevin Clarke, EIS ’11*

Eileen A. Clinton

Rear Admiral Mitchell L. Cohen, EIS ’76

Mr. Jack F. Colbert

Madeline Combine

The Conley Family*

Dr. Elizabeth J. Conrey, EIS ’03*

Ms. Sheila Conroy

Dr. Susan T. Cookson, EIS ’95*

Ms. Barbara Cooper*

Bob and Charlie Corder

Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Corey, EIS ’73

Dr. Cari Courtenay-Quirk*

Mackenzie Crawford

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Creasy

Dr. and Mrs. Randall Crom, EIS ’86

Amanda Crowell*

Mr. Shane Crowley

Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Crymes

Mr. Richard B. Cuff

Mateo Cummings

Barbara and Alan Cuneo-Kesselhaut

Mr. John Curless

Mr. Tyler Curren

C. Robinette Curtis, EIS ’01*

Mr. Richard Dagen

Mr. Caleb Dagenhart

Dr. Isabella Danel, EIS ’93*

Melissa Danielson*

Dr. Lisa Danzig, EIS ’93

Drs. Laurent Adler and Deblina Datta, EIS ’99*

Dr. Lucy Davidson, EIS ’84

Dr. Megan M. Davies, EIS ’98

Ms. Lumbe K. Davis, PHPS ’97*

Monique Davis, MPH, CHES, CCPH, HO

Robin C. Davis, RN, MN

Sayan De

Mrs. Arlene Hanson Deal*

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Delaney

Mr. Mauricio Delgado

Ms. Catherine Dentinger, EIS ’97*

Jill Descoteaux Robert B. Dick, PhD, Capt., USPHS (Ret.)

Lois Diem*

Dr. Rejean Dion

Ms. Kimberly G. Distel*

Jessica Doddato

Theodore C. Doege, EIS ’59

Mr. Lawrence G. D’Oench

Dr. Ken Dominguez, EIS ’91*

Rodney M. Donian*

Tom, Elaine and Harry Dorer

Mr. Andrew Dosch

Mr. W. David Dotson* and Ms. Hong Cao

Dr. Marci Drees, EIS ’02

Cherie L. Drenzek, DVM, EIS ’95

Mr. Thomas D’Silva

Ms. Natalie Duggan

Ms. Stephanie M. Dulin*

Dr. Sheba Dunston*

Tonji Durant, PhD, EIS ’97*

Dr. Timm A. Edell, EIS ’77 and Ms. Kathleen O’Brien

Larry D. Edmonds, EIS ’76

Dr. Richard L. Ehrenberg, EIS ’83

Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Ehrlich

Charbel El Bcheraoui, PhD, EIS ’09

Kate Ellingson, EIS ’06*

Seth Emont, PhD, MS, EIS ’90

Dr. Tom Eng, EIS ’87

Ms. Lynn Engel

Dr. Alan Engelberg, EIS ’77

Enteric Diseases Laboratory Branch Staff

Ms. Glenda Erdman

Helene Erenberg and Kendall Simpson

Mr. William Espinoza

Audra and Dan Esrey

Jerry and Katie Esser

Mr. Dylan Evans

Henry Falk, EIS ’72

Dr. Sherry L. Farr, EIS ’04

Mr. Stephen Farrell

Sherry Farr-Mus

Leroy and Ariana Fass

Ms. Lynne Fenley

John and Kim Fenton

Ms. Jorge Fernandez

Dr. Jose Fernandez and Ms. Elizabeth Ransom

Mr. Andrew Ferriby

Mr. and Ms. Robin D. Ferriby

Dr. Joshua Fierer, EIS ’64

Greg Filice, EIS ’75 and Svetlana Simovic

Dr. Marc Filstein, EIS ’77

Mr. Kevin Finley

Susan Fischer Davis, MD, EIS ’90

Nicole T. Flowers, MD, MPH, EIS ’03*

Dr. and Mrs. William H. Foege, EIS ’62

Roger T. Follas*

Mr. Benjamin Foppa

Ms. Lyn Foster

Dr. and Mrs. Stanley O. Foster, EIS ’62

Ms. Julie Fowler

Casey Friedman

Dr. Romeo R. Galang

Sarah Galvin

Dr. and Mrs. E.J. Gangarosa, EIS ’64

Dr. Amanda Garcia-Williams

Edward Gardner

Lynne and Mike Garner

Mr. Eli Garst

Dr. Alvaro Garza, EIS ’84

James Gathany*

Mr. Eric Gaumond

Joseph Gaydos

Mrs. Annika George

Georgia College Nursing Students

Ms. Hallelujah Getachew

Ms. Mary Kay Gibbons

Ms. Christina Gillezeau

Chris and Mary Gillman

Ms. Johanna Gisltrap*

William P. Glezen, MD, EIS ’57

Ms. Margaret Go

James S. and Cheryl Goethe III

Mr. Patrick Goethe and Mrs. Maria Thacker Goethe

Ms. Carol Goettl

Ms. Rebecca Gold*

Alex and Irina Goldberg

Ms. Sarah E. Goodwin

Karen A. Goraleski

Dr. Hannah Gould, EIS ’05*

J. Goulding*

Ms. Rebecca Graham

Thomas W. Graham, DVM, MPVM, PhD

Valerie Gramaje

Dr. Lawrence W. Green

Dr. V.A. Greene, EIS ’93

Dr. and Mrs. Peter Greenwald, EIS ’62

Suzanne Gregoire

Susan Grey

Patricia Griffin, MD, EIS ’85*

Dr. Diane K. Gross, EIS ’04*

Mr. Scott D. Grosse*

Mr. Tim Grummell

Dr. Robert Gunn, EIS ’76

Ms. Cathryn E. Gunther and Mr. Benjamin S. Mosher and Family

Neil Gupta, MD, EIS ’10*

Dr. Bruce Gutelius, EIS ’06

Maryam B. Haddad, EIS ’01*

Yiota Haddock

The Haldeman Family

Stacy Hall

Dr. William Halperin, EIS ’75

Jessica Halpin

Dr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Hamilton, EIS ’91*

Susan L. Hamilton, RN

Leslie Hammer

Linda Hampton

Dr. W. Thane Hancock, EIS ’11

Kathryn Harben*

Ms. Jennifer Harcourt

Edward and Caroline Hardin

Caroline and Jack Hardin

Ms. Joan C. Hare

John C. Harris, MD, EIS ’74

Rebecca Harris

Mr. Brian Harrison

Mr. Wade Harrisson

Drs. David and Cathy Harsha

John Hartz

Ronald P. Hattis, MD, EIS ’69

Dr. Fern R. Hauck, EIS ’87

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hearl

Dr. Greg Heath, EIS ’85

Sarah Heather

Penny M. Heaton, MD, EIS ’97

Dr. Brockton J. Hefflin, EIS ’91

R.F. Helfand, EIS ’92*

Ms. Laura Hellman

Chad Helmick, EIS ’79*

Dr. and Mrs. Wynn H. Hemmert

Mrs. Lita Henman

Dr. Thomas Hennessy, EIS ’94*

Derry Henrick

Mrs. Birgitta Herron

Ms. Terri Heyns

Ms. Zoe Hicks

Ms. Kathryn Hill

Ms. Linda Hilleman

Alan Hinman, EIS ’65 and Lucy Hinman

David and Shelley Hird

Ms. Lauren Hoffmann*

Drs. Charles Hoke, EIS ’74* and Ellen Boudreau

Ms. Michele Hoover*

Zac Hopkins

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Horman, EIS ’66

Mark B. Horton, MD, MSPH

Ms. Carol Howell

Mr. Eric Hower

Mr. Jason Hsia

Ms. Heather Hughes*

Dr. and Mrs. James Hughes, EIS ’73

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Huguenard

Dr. Harry Hull, EIS ’75 and Ms. Suzi Henrichs

Yu Hsun Hung

Mr. Ed Hunter

Dr. Michelle Hutchinson* and Mr. William Hutchinson

Robert Hutchinson

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Lademarco

Mike Irvin

Dr. Benita Jackson, EIS ’90

Mr. Joseph W. Jackson

Mr. Terry D. Jackson

Dr. Charles M. Janeway, EIS ’67

Ms. Phoebe E. Janflone*

Mr. Dennis F. Jarvis, PHPS Associate

Ms. Paula S. Jasina

Javier Cena-Perez

Shriram Jayaraman

Dr. Suzanne Jenkins, EIS ’81

Drs. Daniel Jernigan, EIS ’94* and Stephanie Jernigan

Ms. Olga Joglar

Ms. Janice Johnson*

Dr. Shereé D. Johnson

Ms. Theresa Johnson

Ms. Jennie Johnston*

Ms. Natalie M. Jones

Ms. Rachel Jones

Dr. T. Stephen Jones, EIS ’69 and Dr. Adele Franks, EIS ’83

Wanda K. Jones

Wilbert C. Jordan, MD, MPH, EIS ’73

Mr. William Jordan

Adrienne Joselow

Ms. Renee W. Joskow, EIS ’00*

Justin Smith

Dr. James B. Kahn, EIS ’69 and Ms. Carol Weiberbowski

Ramu Kaladi

Dr. Mary Kamb, EIS ’89*

Kamil Singh

Mr. Steve Kammerer*

Mr. Terry R. Kane

Dr. Jonathan Kaplan, EIS ’80*

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Emerson

Mr. Anthony Katilius

Dr. Dolores Katz*

Marshall Kreuter and Martha Katz

Dr. Rachel Kaufmann

Wendy E. Kaye, EIS ’84

Niloufar N. Kazerouni, EIS ’04

Ms. Lauren Keegan

Ms. Shirley Y. Kelly

Matthew Kemmerle

Dr. Edward Kemper*

Ms. Suzy Kent*

Kercher/Fairchild Family

Ms. Anne P. Key

Awal D. Khan*

Dr. Nino Khetsuriani, EIS ’97*

Peter Kilmarx, EIS ’94

H. Kim

Dr. Ann Marie Kimball, EIS ’77

The Parents of Hudson Kindem

Mr. Christopher King

W. Ardine Kirchhofer, PhD, MPH

The Kittrell Family

Nancy Rausch and Doug Kline

Bill Knoll*

Ms. Paula L. Kocher*

Ms. Aparna Kollipara, PHPS ’06

Dr. Sobha Kollipara

Drs. Carol and Jeffrey Koplan, EIS ’72 Mr. Charles Koppelman

Mrs. Shelley Kozel

Ms. Carlie Koziol

Kryn Krautheim

Robert L. Kriel, MD, EIS ’66

Ms. Kiersten J. Kugeler*

Ms. Ekaterina V. Kurbatova*

Ms. Jessica Kurzban

Don and Cheryl Lackey

Dr. and Mrs. F.M. La Force, EIS ’66

Ms. Susan Laird

Gary and Barbara Lamb

Ms. Jasleen Lamba

Lauren Lambert*

The Lammie Family

Ira Lande

Timothy and Sue LaPier

Mr. Gregory Larocca

Ms. Bernadette Ford Lattimore, PHPS ’00*

Mr. Eric Lauritsen

Laura and David Lay

Ms. Kristin D. Lecy*

Brent R. Lee, MD, EIS ’00

CW Lee*

Paul Lee

Ms. Robynn Leidig

Carolyn* and Robert Leighton

Donna Ching and Richard Leman, EIS ’00

Ms. Sylvia Leong

Dr. Rebecca Levine, EIS ’14*

Barry S. Levy, MD, MPH, PC, EIS ’73

Doarin Lewis

Patrick Libbey

Mr. Jon A. Lichter

Ms. Anne Lieu

Dr. Xia Michelle Lin, EIS ’13*

Dr. Joann Lindenmayer, EIS ’92

Ms. Kristin Lindsey

Tara Lindsley

Todd Lindsley

Judith A. Lipshutz*

John D. Lisco*

Alina Liu

Ms. Merry Y. Liu

Douglas Lloyd, MD, MPH, FACPM

Jenifer C. Lloyd, DVM, MSPH, EIS ’95

Mr. Kenneth Logan

Mr. Fernando Lopez

Dr. Sara Lowther, EIS ’08

Debra Lubar*

Daniel Lucey, MD

Vivian Luke

Katherine Lyon Daniel, PhD*

Angela D. Lyons and Family

Capt. Sheryl Lyss, EIS ’99

Mark D. Macek, EIS ’98

Ms. Barbara Mackey

Ms. Amy Macklin

The Madden Family

Dr. Edmond F. Maes, EIS ’85* and Ms. Penny B. Kefalas

Ms. Jean-Marie Maillard

Hugh Mainzer, DVM, EIS ’92* and Jill Jarecki Mainzer

Bindu Tharian Majid

Marilyn Malcolmson

Dr. Michael D. Malison, EIS ’81

Mr. Bernard Malone

Dr. Jessica Marcinkevage

Bill Marine, EIS ’59

Mr. Doug Nelson and Dr. Mona Marin, EIS ’02*

Dr. Lauri E. Markowitz, EIS ’83* and Dr. Nathan Shaffer, EIS ’86

Teresa Markowitz

Suzanne Marks*

Leslie Marlowe

Dr. Barbara Marston, EIS ’90*

Ms. Silvina Masciotra*

Dr. Laurene Mascola, EIS ’82

Al Masi

Dr. Mehran S. Massoudi, EIS ’94

Dr. Timothy Mastro, EIS ’88* and Mrs. Pradhana Mastro

Ms. Jessica H. Masuga

Mr. Gene W. Matthews

Dr. Alison C. Mawle*

Gerald Mazurek, MD*

Dr. Margaret E. McCusker, EIS ’02

Kevin McDaniel

Dr. and Mrs. L. Clifford McDonald, EIS ’96*

Ms. Angie McGowan, EIS ’02

R. Campbell McIntyre, EIS ’76

Ms. Marquita McMichael

Mr. Benjamin McMullan

Benjamin McMullan

Janis McNicholas

Dr. Louise A. McNutt, EIS ’90

Peter McPhedran, EIS ’66 and Letitia McPhedran

Dr. Paul Mead, MD, MPH, EIS ’94

Ms. Mary Meadors

Drs. Russell Medford and Margaret Offermann

Endeshaw Meheret*

Dr. Robert J. Melton, EIS ’69

Mr. James Mendelsohn

Mario Menduni

Lei Meng

Marc and Laura Mengel

T. Mangitsu

Manoj P. Menon, MD, EIS ’05

Heather Menzies, EIS ’06*

Dr. Toby L. Merlin*^

Sanela Mesalic

Mr. David Methven

Dr. Beth Meyerson

Ms. Karen M. Miernyk*

Christina Mikosz, MD, MPH, EIS ’11

Dr. Peter S. Millard, EIS ’93 and Ms. Emily B. Wesson

Grayson B. Miller Jr., MD, EIS ’74

Ms. P. Miller

Ms. Rebecca M. Miller

Ms. Shirley Miller

Ms. Stacy Miller

Jim and Deb Millette

Ms. Lisa A. Mills

Mr. Brett Miner*

Mr. Preston Moister

Mr. Phillip Moncrief

Steve Monroe*

Ms. Michele M. Monti

Dr. John S. Morawetz, EIS ’83

Mr. William Morgan

Ms. Alexandra Morris

Dr. Darryl Morris

Mr. Jeremy Morton*

Dr. Joseph Mulinare, EIS ’81* and Dr. Kathryn N. Shands, EIS ’79

Carey Muse

Ms. Sarah Muse*

Dr. Tanya Myers


Joyce J. Neal, EIS ’92*

Debbi Neikam

Pierce and Catherine Nelson

Barbara A. Newhouse, PHA Ms. M. Dillard Newman*

CDR Bruce Newton*

Dr. Duong T. Nguyen

Bud and Trish Nicola

Moldovanu Nicolae

Dr. Mary L. Nielsen

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nilan

Judith Noble-Wang* and Xiaohui Wang

Jamie Noguchi

CDR Michelle Noonan, USPHS*

Lois Margaret Nora, MD

Ms. Theresa Nottingham

Patricia Obermaier

Thomas R. O’Brien, MD, MPH, EIS ’85

John, Arlene, Amanda Joy O’Connor

Ms. Christine Odom

Dr. Kate Oestreich

Mr. Obadare Ogundipe

Ms. Erin O’Leary

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Olivia

Dr. Walt Orenstein, EIS’74

Dr. Gregory A. Ornella, EIS ’86

Dr. Alexandra Oster, EIS ’07* and Mr. Matthew Oster

Dr. Stephen Ostroff, EIS ’86

Ms. Jennifer Oursler

Ms. Sarah Owen

Mr. Steven Owens and Mrs. Kimberlee Owens

Dr. Gregory L. Parham, EIS ’80

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Parra

Gib Parrish, EIS ’82

Neil Pascoe

Daniel Pastula, EIS ’13*

Nehal Patel

Ms. Lynn Patinkin

Ms. Monique S. Patrick

Maria Pazos

Mr. Paul Pederson

Jacquee and Mike Peebles

Mr. Alexander Perkins

Dr. Helen N. Perry

Dr. Joseph F. Perz, EIS ’99*

Thomas A. Peterman, EIS ’84*

Ms. Lisa Petersen

Lyle* and Jackie Petersen

Norman J. Petersen, EIS ’55

Amy E. Peterson, DVM, PhD, EIS ’10*

Ms. Lilli Petruzzelli

Ms. Mary Phan

Ms. Regina Phelps

Mr. Harry Phillips

Mr. Kenneth Phillips

Lauren Pianko

Wayne and Cynda Pierce

Ms. Fabiana Pimenta*

Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Pinger

Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Pinner, EIS ’88*

Polavieja Family

Ms. Candy Poon

Dr. Kathryn S. Porter, EIS ’92*

Mr. Jay S. Potter

Anne and Ken Powell, EIS ’74

Ms. Melissa Powers

Mr. Ratthamnoon Prakitpong

Brian K. Prater

Andrea Preece

Ms. Erica Probst

Karen B. Probst

Amy Pulver

Dr. Noreen L. Qualls*

Mr. Steven Quintavalla

Kenneth B. Quinto, MD, EIS ’12*

Mangalathu Rajeevan

Kathryn Ramquist and Belinda Berg

Ms. Judith Randal

Jean Randolph*

Gregory Rasnick

Glenn Rawsky and Rebecca Smith

Mr. Michael Raymer

Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Redstone, EIS ’70

Ms. Beth Reed

Carrie Reed, DSc, MPH, EIS ’07*

Mr. Frederick O. Reese

Dr. Mathew J. Reeves, EIS ’93

Jessica Reichard*

Pat and Kate Remington, EIS ’82

Mr. David Reyes

Mr. Nicholas Reynolds

Frank Rhame, MD, EIS ’70

Ms. Pouria Richardson

Mr. Robert Richardson

Mr. Bruce Richman

Mr. Alan Rieber

Mr. Lawrence Rifkin

Dr. Alice Ring and Mr. Robert Diefenbach

Ray and Susan Ring

Varun Rishi

Dr. Kathy Ritger, EIS ’04

Ms. Aidsa Rivera*

Ms. Diana M. Robelotto

Robert Shand

Numa and Marise Robertson

Cheryl Robinson

Dr. and Mrs. Roger W. Rochat, EIS ’68*

Johana Rodriguez

Dr. Martha Rogers

Alyssa Rogge

Dr. Raul A. Romaguera, EIS ’88*

Laura J. Rose* and Seth E. Rose

Dr. Mike Rosen, EIS ’71

Dr. Jeffrey Rosenstock, EIS ’70

R. Rossetti*

Lynda Cupell Roth

Ms. Elizabeth Rothman

Dr. Lisa Rotz*

Robert J. Rubin, MD, EIS ’72

Dr. Matthew Moore* and Ms. Kathryn Ruddon

Ms. Stacy Ruegilin

Mr. Michael Rusketlis

Dr. George Rutherford, EIS ’82

Ms. Fatema Sadiq*

Dr. Thomas J. Safranek, EIS ’84

Adela Salame-Alfie

Ms. Meredith Salisbury

Mr. Justin Salzman

Dr. Cathryn Samples, EIS ’76

Mr. Michael Santaniello

Kofi Sarfo

James and Cheryl Saunders

Hali Saylor

Ms. Hether Scheel

Mr. Carl Schieffelbein

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schlein

Mrs. Melissa Schmidtl

Elizabeth Schnaubelt, EIS ’16

Ms. Sumner Schoenike

Lawrence B. Schonberger, MD, MPH, EIS ’71*

Cheryl Schott, PHPS ’98

Lori Schwartz, MD

Jan Scott

F. Douglas Scutchfield, MD, EIS ’67

Ruth Sechena, MD, MPH, EIS ’84

Ms. Lisa Seely

Ms. B. Chandra Sekar

Mary C. Selecky

Dr. Paul J. Seligman, EIS ’83 and Ms. Martha K. Landesberg

Jerry Sells, MD

Linda Selvidge

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Sepe, EIS ’80

Daniel Sexton

Mr. Robert Shand

Dr. Craig N. Shapiro, EIS ’87*

Dr. and Mrs. Don Sharp, EIS ’92

Sable Sharpley*

Robert G. Sharrar, EIS ’67

Ms. Meg Sheehan Highbloom

Shirley Y. Kelly

Catherine Shoemaker

Mr. John Shostrom

Ms. Vivian Siler*

Mr. Richard Simeon

Mr. Thomas Simmons

Dr. Brajendra Singh*

Mr. Kamil Singh

Dr. Theresa Sipe*

Dr. and Mrs. Martin D. Skinner, EIS ’68

Mr. William and Mrs. Margarita Sleeper

Leanne Smalling

Sherry* and Rodney Smallwood

Craig Smith

Mr. Henry Smith

Mr. Jared Smith

Julie Smith

Mr. Justin Smith

Ms. Melissa Smith*

Randall Smith*

Bill and Susan Smith

Ms. Caitlin Smyke Epstein

Mr. Damon Soeiro

Lynn Sokler and Henry Farber

Dr. Steven L. Solomon, EIS ’81* and Dr. Bess I. Miller, EIS ’81*

Mr. Nicholas J. Somerville

Rishi Sood

Dr. Faye Sorhage, EIS ’83

Mr. Larry Sparks

Steve and Denise Spiegel

Lisa Splitlog

Ms. Jeanette St. Pierre*

Dr. Catherine Staes, EIS ’90

Mandy Stahre, PhD, EIS ’12

Dr. Joel Stanojevich

Ms. Catherine E. Staunton, EIS ’00 and Mr. Jairam Lingappa

Conola B. Steele, DO, EIS ’95*

Dr. Susan Steele

Dr. Sandra Steiner*

Pat Riley and John Steward

Mr. Branner Stewart

Mr. James Stewart

Robert Stewart and Barbara Barnett-Stewart

Claire and Jeff Stinson

Ms. Kathy Stoyle

Jeffery Strang

Dr. Raymond A. Strikas, EIS ’83*

Ms. Mary Strouss

Ms. Laura Elizabeth Stuart

Ms. Erin Stuckey

Ms. Shelley Sturman

Mr. A.B. Styles

Ms. Raquel Suarez

Jon Sudman, EIS ’83 and Carol Sudman

Chandelle Summer

Paul and Betty Swasko

Gregg C. Sylvester, EIS ’90

Brandon Talley and Dustin Rolan

Helen Talley-McRae and Keith McRae*

Mr. Mark Tallman

Dr. Christina Tan, EIS ’00

Rory Tarr

Robert Tauxe, EIS ’83* and Cynthia Tauxe

Mr. Christopher Taylor

Don and Julie Taylor

Andrew Terranella, MD, MPH, EIS ’10

Ms. JoAnn M. Thierry* and Mr. Ken Zappala

Robert, EIS ’65 and Carolyn Thoburn

Dr. Pauline A. Thomas, EIS ’81

Dewitt and Alison Thompson

Ms. Sara Thompson

Ted Thompson, EIS ’72 and Becky Thompson

Angela M. Thompson-Paul, PhD, MSPH, EIS ’12*

Lynn A. Thomson, DrPH, EIS ’66

Emi Tilson

Margaret A. Tipple, MD, EIS ’86

Joyce Toatley

Dr. Rania A. Tohme, EIS ’09*

Amy and Ben Tolchinsky

Mrs. Jeanette and Dennis Tolsma

Ms. Janice Tomakowsky

Ms. Chloe Knight Tonney and Mr. Rick Tonney

Fred E. Tosh, MD, MPH, EIS ’58

The Trout Family

Beverly and Paul Truebig

Ms. Kris Tsau

Ms. Myra Tucker*

Ms. Cindy Tuttle

Elizabeth R. Unger*

Mr. Eugene Unger

Mr. John-Mark Unsworth

Dr. Amra Uzicanin, EIS ’98*

Dr. Melissa Van Dyke, EIS ’06

Dr. and Mrs. James M. Veazey, EIS ’74

Mr. Martijin Veerman

Dr. Linda V. Venczel, EIS ’97

Ms. Heather Venkat

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Vernon, EIS ’66

Dr. Lawrence Villanueva and Dr. Julie Villanueva*

Dr. Susanna Visser* and Mr. John Visser

Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Vitek, EIS ’92*

Viravi Viveganandan

Drew and Karen Voetsch

Dr. Richard Vogt, EIS ’77

C. Fordham von Reyn, EIS ’73

Ms. Linda Wade

Ms. Darlene Wagner*

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Waine

Dr. Peter Walzer, EIS ’70

Mr. William Ward

Dr. David* and Mrs. Warnock

Mr. and Mrs. Leo F. Weakland*

Andrew and Emily Webb

Dr. J. Todd Weber, EIS ’90*

Mr. Jonathan Weg

Avery Wehner

Ms. Helen Weingarten

Ms. Judith Weisenfeld

Jason S. Weisfeld, MD, MPH, EIS ’73

Dr. Thomas K. Welty, EIS ’82 and Dr. Edith R. Welty, EIS ’82

Dr. Ben Werner, EIS ’65

Ian Wessen

C. Michael West, MD, EIS ’76

Ms. Jeanne West

Ms. Lilibeth West*

Marie West

Dr. Karl A. Western, EIS ’67

Dr. and Mrs. Rob Weyant

Dr. Melinda Wharton, EIS ’86* and Mr. Tom Schmitt

Shannon White, PHPS ’03

Mr. Rob Whitlock

Ms. Martha Whitmore

Ms. Lan Wiborg

Ms. Brenda Wilenborg

Sarah and Ed Wiley*

Ms. Holley Wilkin

Liz Willette

Ms. Branalyn K. Williams, PHPS ’04*

Todd and Jenny Williams, EIS ’01*

Dr. Seymour G. Williams, EIS ’96*

Ms. Shannon Williams

Dr. and Mrs. D.G. Williamson*

Ms. Dini Wilson

Ms. Robin M. Wilson

Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Witcher

Dr. Christopher W. Woods, EIS ’97

Mr. Eric Woods

Pat and Brian Woodsi

Dr. William E. Woodward, EIS ’67

Mr. and Mrs. Greg Woofter

Mr. Peter Wyckoff

Ms. Katy Yao

Sue Lin Yee*

Ms. Cathryn Yegan

Eve and Jason Yen

Mr. and Mrs. Greg Yoder

Ms. Karen E. York

Mr. Federico Younes

Ms. Patricia Young

Youngpairoj Family*

Dr. Hussain Yusuf, EIS ’94*

Mr. Michel Zaffran

Ms. Tami Zalewski, EIS ’03

Mr. John Zanzarella

Gabriel S. Zatlin, MD, EIS ’62

Dr. Jonathan M. Zenilman, EIS ’85

Ms. Marie Zeuthen

Dr. Zefeng Zhang*

Mr. Gordon Zittel

Ms. Laura Zwick

*  CDC employee or CDC employee at the time of donation

Donor for 5 or more yearsContributor of five or more consecutive years

^  Deceased