Individual Donors

Fiscal Year Report to Donors

Thank you for being a part of the CDC Foundation's critical, lifesaving work. Together, we are creating healthy communities. We celebrate you, our donors and the impact of our public health partners, who are making a difference across the globe.

You can use the “Search All Donors” button at the top to find your name in the report.

  Contributor of five or more consecutive years


Barrie Borovsky
Mark Borromeo
Kim Borton
Ellen Bortz
Emanuel Bortz
Morton Borzykowski
Megan Bos
Marianne Bosch
Matt Boschi
Varoon Bose
Brad Bosland
Benoît Bosquet
Dr. Nisha Botchwey
Ruth Botengan
Joshua Botkin
Leon Botkin
Miriam Botkin
Naomi Botkin
Botkin-Meizlish Family Fund
Ellen Botnick
Matthew Bottoms
Tara Botwick
Georgette Boucai
Townes Bouchard-Dean
Marc Bouchet
Alexandre Bouju
Marcie Bour
Rita Bourne
Amy Bouska
Laura Bousman
Kathleen Boutwell
Jacinta Bouwkamp
Elizabeth Bove
Elizabeth Bowdan
Taylor Bowden
Dr. Anne Bower
Dennis Bower
Stefanie Bower
Alexandra Bowers
Bowers Family Charitable Fund
Bowers-Liu Family Fund
Jocelyn Bowie and David Semmel
Alvin Bowles
Reed Bowling
Allison Bowman
Judith Bows
Joan Bowser
Gene Boxer
Michael and Betsy Boxer
Barbara Boyajian
Dr. Christopher Boyce
Caprianna Boyd
Lisa Boyd
Lorna Boyd
Elise Boyer
Elizabeth Boyer
Judith and David Boyer
Katherine Boyers
Brian Boyett
Diane Boykin
Mrs. Erica Boyko
Anna Boyle
Gerri Boyle
Katherine Boyle
Kerrie Boyle, Marita Boyle and James Frost and Frank and Barbara Boyle
Emily Boym
Bernadine Bozek
David Bozymski
Jake Brabec
Marina Brabham
Lisa Brachman
William Brackenheimer
Clara Bracy
Sara Bradbury
Dr. Christopher R. Braden, EIS '93 and Mrs. Erin Braden
Cara Bradfield
Bradford Stein
Amy Bradley
Blanca Bradley
Charles Bradley and Dr. Ruth A. Shults, EIS '90
Emily Bradley
Jessica Bradley
Martha Bradley
Robert Bradley Richey
Douglas Bradstreet
Della Bradt
Theodore Bragg
Dr. Dorothea Braginsky
Joanne Brainard
Ellen Braitman
Kevin Brake
Meredith Brake
Steven Bram
Joshua Braman
Matt Bramlett
John Brancato
Mikel Brancato
Garland Branch
Jeff Brancolini
Eileen Brand