Individual Donors

Fiscal Year Report to Donors

Thank you for being a part of the CDC Foundation's critical, lifesaving work. Together, we are creating healthy communities. We celebrate you, our donors and the impact of our public health partners, who are making a difference across the globe.

You can use the “Search All Donors” button at the top to find your name in the report.

  Contributor of five or more consecutive years


Sandra Cobrin
Craig Coburn
Eduardo Coca
Steven Cochoff
Lee Cochran
Randall Cochrell
Matthew Cockrum and Chad Beyer
Joseph Cocuzzo
Cocuzzo Family Fund
Barbara Coe
Theodore Coe
Jacqueline Coelln-Hough
Jessie Coffey
Alina Coffman
Emily Coffman
Terri Coffsky
Caity Cogdell
Adrianna Cognetti
Hannah Cohan
Leslie Cohan
Quentin Cohan
Sandra Cohan
Lisa Cohe
Aaron Cohen and Dorothy Donaldson
Adam Cohen
Amy Cohen
Andrea Cohen
Arnold Cohen and Laura Merkin
Arthur M. and Lynn Cohen
Asaf Cohen
Barbara Cohen
Barry Cohen
Ben Cohen
Benjamin Cohen
Bernard Cohen
Bill and Sara-Jane Cohen
Bruce Cohen
Carolyn Cohen
Charles Cohen
Mrs. Charlotte Cohen
Cheryl Cohen
Dalia Cohen
Daniel and Nancy Cohen
David Cohen
Deborah Ruth Cohen
Debra Cohen
Doris S. Cohen
Dorothy Cohen
Edward Cohen
Ellen I. Cohen
Elly Cohen
Esther Cohen
Mrs. Frances Cohen
Gail Cohen
George Cohen
Gerald Cohen
Rabbi Heidi Cohen
Herbert Cohen
Hillary Cohen
Irwin Cohen
Isabella Cohen
Jane Cohen
Janis Cohen
Jay Cohen
Jayne Cohen
Jerome and Sherry Cohen
Joan R. Cohen
Jon E. Cohen
Jonathan Cohen
Dr. Joshua Cohen
Joshua and Lyda Cohen
Jude Cohen
Judy and Richard Cohen
Julie Cohen
Larry Cohen
Laura Cohen
Leah Cohen
Lee Cohen
Leni Cohen
Leslie Cohen
Linda and Gabriela Cohen
Linda Cohen
Louise Cohen
Lynda Cohen
Marc Cohen
Maria Cohen
Marisa Cohen
Mark Cohen
Marshall Cohen
Mayan Cohen
Michael and Naomi Cohen
Michael Cohen
Mitchell Cohen
Myles Cohen
Neil Cohen
Neil Cohen and Claude Brown
Pamela Cohen
Paul Cohen
Paula Cohen
Peter Cohen