The Mahoney Society

Fiscal Year Report to Donors

Thank you to our donors who supported our lifesaving work. The CDC Foundation board of directors created The Margaret Ellerbe Mahoney Society in 1998 to honor Ms. Mahoney for her service to the board and her vital support of Foundation initiatives since its inception. Widely respected in philanthropic circles as the “Grande Dame” of philanthropy, she devoted her career to working with philanthropies focused on health, education, arts and the humanities. She worked in key roles at the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and The Commonwealth Fund. Ms. Mahoney was a strong advocate of the CDC Foundation until her passing in 2011. The Margaret Ellerbe Mahoney Society recognizes leadership donors who have given $1,000 or more in gifts or in-kind services during the year. Learn more about the benefits of joining the Mahoney Society.

You can use the “Search All Donors” button at the top to find your name in the report.

  Contributor of five or more consecutive years

$50,000 and above

Anonymous (2)
Elaine and John Chambers
Chang Family Charitable Trust
Laurie Dachs
Philip Kent
KKC Family Fund
Mr. Robert Landreth
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Wilson


Anonymous (10)
Gary S. Berger, MD, EIS '73
Rob and Joan Blackman
Mr. Gary Cohen
Margaret Coleman / MTC Charitable Fund
The Culbertson Family / Acorn Hill Fund
Neil de Crescenzo and Brenda Reilly
Leah McCall Devlin, DDS, MPH
Katherine and David deWilde / deWilde Family Fund
D. Peter Drotman, MD, EIS '79 and Carolyn Arakaki
Richard E. Hoffman, MD, MPH, EIS '78
Nicole Horrigan
W. Barrett Howell II
Ruth J. Katz, JD, MPH
Klepchick Family Fund
Kohn Family Donor Advised Fund
Mason Lieberman
Margaret and Kevin Lynch
Marguerite Pappaioanou, DVM, PhD, EIS '83
Nagavamsi and Sita Ponnekanti
Shannon and Benjamin Sloop / Sloop Family Charitable Gift Fund
Mary Smith
Philippe Spalart
Mr. Robert A. Yellowlees


Gillian Aaronson
Alok Aggarwal / Aggarwal Family Fund
Ariel Aguilar
Merunisha Ahmid
Hayder Al Windi
Joellen Alberhasky / Alberhasky Olson Family Charitable Fund
David and Dana Aldridge
Austin Aley
The Anderson Family Charitable Fund
Ruth Andrews and Dave Mattingly
Anisha Ankush
Anonymous (118)
Kenneth and Lorraine Appleton / Kenneth D. and Lorraine P. Appleton Charitable Gift Fund
Jonathan Ashken
James Atkins
Dean Avila
Jonathan Axelrad
David Bailey
Barbara Baill and Lee Rhodes / Baill Rhodes Donor Fund
Maureen Banares
Andrea Bannister
Wanda D. Barfield, MD, MPH, EIS '00
Lindsay Barnett
Emma Barofsky
Christopher Barrett
Elizabeth Bawden / Elizabeth Bawden Charitable Fund
Raymond J. Baxter, PhD
Blake Beard
Christiaan and Dorothea Beeuwkes
Farina Behm
Brooks Bell
Vanessa Benavides and Sheila Bryant
Patrice Berman
Lisa Bernstein
Mark Berry
Stephanie Biddle
Drs. Guthrie S. Birkhead III, EIS '85 and Susan Birkhead
Charles E. Blair
Dr. Dianna Blau, EIS '08
Jon Bloostein
Akbar Bohra
Laura H. Boland
Craig Boswell
Frances Boyce Charitable Gift Fund
Dr. Joel Breman, EIS '76
Kathy and Alan Bremer / Kathy and Alan Bremer Charitable Fund
Donald Brittain
Bronnimann Family Fund
Jonathan Brumer
Jochen Brumm
David Buechel
Mr. Peter Buffington
Nancy Burnham
Hanna Burruss
Lucas Burson
Michael and Margaret Butler / Butler Giving Fund
Roger and Patricia Byford / Bryce & Logan Fund
Al Caesar
August and Jennifer Calhoun
The Can Family Charitable Fund
David and Lisa Carabetta / Class Act Fund
Thomas Carbaugh
Dr. Denise Cardo
Kathryn Carovano
Christopher Carroll
Anthony Caruso
Dimas Castillo
Loretta Cecil
Peter Centonze Jr.
Carol and Jonathan Chace / Chace Family Fund
Zachery Chapman
Devika Chawla
Chieh-Hui Chen
David Chen
Eva Chen
Gavin and Camille Chen
Lucille Chin
Lauren Chipley
Rohit Chitale
Marsha Choo
Rick and Lisa Chubb / Rick and Lisa Chubb Donor Advised Fund
Hampton Clarkson
Beth Clements
Sharon Clevesy
Dr. Nathaniel Cobb, EIS '90
Stephen Cochi, MD, MPH, EIS '82 and Jane Skvarich
Spence Cook / Spence Cook Philanthropic Fund
Andrew Cooley
The Copeland Charitable Fund
Rosalynn Cormier
Laura and Phil Croft
Michael Cummings Charitable Fund
Donna Rae Curran Charitable Foundation
Thomas J. Cutillo and Priscilla A. Myrick / Thomas J. Cutillo and Priscilla A. Myrick Fund
Guangming Dai
Katherine Lyon Daniel, PhD
Srikanth Dasaradhi
Lucy Davidson, MD, EdS, EIS '84
John Davies
Nancy Davis and Stuart McCrary / Nancy Davis and Stuart McCrary Charitable Foundation
Mr. Eric Day
David De Lott
Dedo Donor Fund
David Delaubenfels
Albert Delmonte
Dr. Tony DeLucia
Brian Dies
Nellie DiPietro
Edmund DiSanto
Peter Dopp
Sharon Dotson
Charles Douglas / Charles Douglas Charitable Gift Fund
Walter Reid Dowdle, PhD, EIS '91 and Mabel Dowdle
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Down
Peter Dull, MD, EIS '00 and Judith Tsui, MD, MPH / Peter Dull and Judith Tsui Charitable Family Fund
Dupnick Family Giving
Egan Family Charitable Fund
Fredrik Eliasson and Danielle Wolf Eliasson
Jeffrey F. Ellis Fund
Joshua Emlen / Emlen Family Charitable Fund
Jennifer Eng-Wong
Suellen Eslinger
Reena Esmail
Rami and Dale Fakhouri
Luyuan Fang and Fabio Chiussi
Consuelo Faust-Anderson
Ferrari Family Charitable Fund
Robin and Marianne Ferriby / Marianne and Robin Ferriby Family Fund
Jonathan E. Fielding, MD, MPH, MBA and Karin B. Fielding / The Fielding Family Charitable Fund
David Firestone and Susan Brenna
Julie Fishman and Terry Pechacek
Caroline Fleetwood
Trevor Flegenheimer
Daniel Flynn
Diane and John Flynn / Diane and John Flynn Family Charitable Fund
Tom Ford
Mrs. Luz M. Fortes-Thacker
Jennifer Fowkes
Dr. Michelle Fox
The Honorable Shirley Franklin
Gene Frantz
Jack and JoAnn Fruchtman / Jack and JoAnn Fruchtman Philanthropic Fund
Matthew Gale
John Galvin
Judy and Wayne Gantt
Samantha Garbus / S. Garbus Fund
Lytt Gardner and Alva Edmondson
Linda Garrison Fund
Gregory Gelfan and Lucy Butler
James Gelman
Ellen and Arthur Gerstein / Joy Saul Fund
Babak Ghalebi
Jack Gindi / Gindi Giving Fund
Mary Cornelia Ginn
Ruth and Jack Glantz Family Foundation
Jeff Goddard
Steven Goldbach
Alexander and Irina Goldberg
Cathy Goodman, PhD
Gorsuch Family Foundation
Katie Gottsch
Thomas Griffin / Thomas and Patricia Griffin Charitable Fund
Diana and David Griggs
Susan Griswold
Sanjeev Grover
James and Connie Grube / James and Connie Grube Fund
Mary Guinan, MD, PhD, EIS '74
Gumahad Family Gift Fund
Stephen Hadler, MD, EIS '77 and Claudia Fedarko
Carol and Larry Hageman / Hageman Giving Fund
Ruth E. Hammond
Dr. Tonja Hampton
Terri Hanson
George Hardy Jr., MD, MPH, EIS '66 and Jon Zylman
Keith Harrison
Pamela Harrison
Linda and Mitch Hart
Steven and Susan Hauser / UBI Caritas Fund
Mr. Brady Haynes
William Heath / Tom Heath Charitable Account
Joshua Hecht
Robyn Heibel
Ralph Henderson, MD, MPH, EIS '65 and Ilze Henderson
Jason Hershman
Mr. David Hessekiel
Juliane Heyman / Juliane Heyman Fund
Mr. Stuart H. Hillman / The Stuart H. Hillman Fund
Edward Hirst
Denise Lynn Hocker
Lee Hoffart
David and Deborah Hoffer
David Horowitz
B. Blake Howard / B. Blake Howard Charitable Fund
The Lee Howard & Janet Simms Memorial Trust
William Hsu / Hsu Giving Fund
Cristin Hubbard
Bernardo and Mette Huberman Giving Fund
Arthur and Judith Hurwitz / Judith and Arthur Hurwitz Gift Fund
Thomas Hutchinson
Sheri Hyatt
Robin Ikeda, MD, MPH, EIS '91 and Jonathan Waltuck, MD
Curtis Inoue
Laura and Alan Isenberg
Sara Ann and Arthur Craft Jackson
Phil and Jenny Jacobs / Jacobs Family Fund
Matt James
Johnson Family Fund
David Johnson-McGoldrick
Kathleen Jones
Kris and Vicky Joshi
Zaid Kahn
Jonathan Kahnowitz
Harish Kamath
Deana Kaminski
Imran Karedia
Brian Kaste
Vadim Katz
Brian Keidan
Bethany Kelly
Dr. Erin D. Kennedy, EIS '08
Jennifer Kerns
Stanley Kessler
Ann Marie Kimball, MD, MPH, EIS '77
Richard and Marianne Kipper
D'Arcy and Jim Kirkland / D'Arcy & Jim Kirkland Gift Fund
Benjamin and Rebecca Kirshner
Nick Kittredge / Kittredge Family Giving Fund
Brian Kjersten
Tiffany and Michael Klarin / Michael & Tiffany Klarin Giving Fund
David and Edna Kleinbaum
Jeffrey Koplan, MD, MPH, EIS '72 and Carol Koplan, MD
Stephen and Kay Korc
Spencer Kostrinsky
Karl Kotalik
Sumeet Kothare
David Kotok
William and Donna Krepick / The Krepick Family Charitable Fund
Jasmine Krnjetin
Mark Kurkowski
Chal and Chu Kwon / Charles Kwon Family Fund
Andrew and Reiko Lacis
Major and Catherine Lackey
F. Marc LaForce, MD, EIS '66 and Nancy LaForce
Julie Lagacy
Theresa Lahey and Stephen Smith / The Smith and Lahey Charitable Fund
Daniel Laiken
Lincy Lal
Maria Lantz
Elizabeth Lara
Andrew Large
Thomas Laur and Stephanie Baumann
Dr. Philip LeBoit
Jason Lee
Courtney and Matthew Lee-Ashley
Eugene Lefkowitz and Michael Nardi
Tom Lehrer
Lok Man Leung
Dr. Sharon Lee Levine and Dr. Francis Joseph Crosson / The Crosson-Levine Charitable Fund
Barbara and Elliott Levitas / Barbara & Elliott Levitas Family Philanthropic Fund
Deborah Levy, PhD, MPH, EIS '96 and Bert Russo
Matthew Lewis
Scott Lewis
Nicolas Lidzborski
Eugene Lin
Helen Litt / The Litt Family Foundation
Marianne Llewellyn
Mr. Benjamin Logan
Edward and Alison Logan / Ted and Alison Logan Charitable Fund
Marilyn Lorch / Marilyn Lorch Family Fund
Michael Lorditch
Kurt Louis
Andrew Love
Dr. Peter Lowther
Ross Lucksinger
Gaurav Madan
Mr. Lawrence Kinsloe Madison / LKM Charitable Fund
Yvonne Aida Maldonado, MD, EIS '86
Kaushal Mall
Derek Mantey
Anthony Marfin, MD, MPH, EIS '91 and Amy Bode
Svetlana Marhefka
James Marks, MD, MPH, EIS '76 and Judith Marks
Andrew Marmillion
Steven Martin and Amy Klein
Alfonse T. Masi, MD, EIS '56
Kellie Mater
Bryce Mayor
Frances McCall and Lawrence J. Boyce Jr.
Tom and Chris McEnery
Dr. David G. McGowan / The David G. McGowan Charitable Fund
John E. McGowan Jr., MD, EIS '69 and Linda Kay McGowan
Meghan McKenzie
McLeod Family Gift Account
Elizabeth McSherry
Mr. Charles H. "Pete" McTier / The Charles H. and Margaret R. McTier Fund
Michael Melneck
Miriam Melnick
Sajay Menon
Alejandro Messmacher
Heather Metcalfe
Edwin and Janet Meyer
Jason Meyer
Roslyn and Jerry Meyer
Joyce Meyers / The Joyce S. Meyers Charitable Fund
Avi Meyerstein
Melvin Miller
Linda Mills / Da Rin Butz Charitable Foundation
The Minter, Manders and Newhaller Families
Abhinav Mittal
Kathia Molina
Monheim Family Charitable Fund
Deanna Monnin
Dr. Judith A. Monroe and Dr. Robert M. Lubitz / Lubitz / Monroe Charitable Fund
Michael Monroe
Erik and Tracy Morgan
William Movsovitz
Klara Mueggenburg
Gregory Mummah
Peter Murchie and Stephanie Farquhar / Warner-Murchie-Farquhar Family Fund
Lawrence Naito
The Naomi Charitable Fund
Douglas and Linda Nelson
Mr. Kent C. "Oz" Nelson
Reed Newell
Michelle Ng / Ng Giving Fund
Viet Nguyen
Kurt and Sandy Nielsen / Don and Melissa Nielsen Family Foundation
Gary R. Noble, MD, MPH, EIS '65 / Gary and Peggy Noble Charitable Fund
Mr. Ronald Noecker / Ronald Joseph Noecker Fund
Lois Margaret Nora, MD
Richard and Laura Norwalk
David Novello / Novello & Sprague Charitable Giving Fund
Christine Novotny
Marcin Nowak
Sharon and Dennis O'Brien / Dennis F. and Sharon T. O'Brien Family Foundation
David O'Connell / O'Connell Donor Fund
Frank O'Connell
Mr. James O'Harrah
Rod and Janet O'Reilly
Lee Oeth
Abbie Oey
Richard Oleksak
Andrew and Lesley Orford / Andrew L. & Lesley S. Orford Charitable Giving Fund
Denise Ott
Francine and Rodney Overcash
Yumi Ozawa
Jeremy Padbury
Gloria Page
David Paget
Andrew Pak
Mark Palinski
Dr. Mark A. Pallansch
Lorianne Pannozzo
Ms. Jennifer Parker / The Parker DAF Fund
The Clifford and Hazel Pash Charitable Fund
Nitinkumar Patel / N. & S. Patel Family Giving Fund
Pankaj Patel
Monique Patrick
Robert and Terri Patterson / Patterson Family Fund
Alexander Pederson
Francisco Peebles
Naveen Penmetcha
David Perez
Sam and Barbara Pettway
Richard Philips and Joann Tucker-Philips / Richard & Joann T. Philips Charitable Fund
Carlos and Isabel Picoto / Carlos & Isabel Picoto Foundation
Burton Pierce
Bea and Jon Plasse / Jon and Bea Plasse Foundation
Richard Plepler
Charles Pleshek / Chuck P. Fund
John Plomer
PM - JP's Charity Fund
Santiago Pochat
Susan Pohanka
Marilyn Poindexter
Carlin Politzer
Barbara Pollock and Carol Mouche / The Pollock-Mouche' Charitable Fund
Rames Poudel
Samuel Pritchett
Rita Przygocki / Rita Przygocki Giving Fund
Purple Butterfly Gift Fund
John Raidt
Aparna Ramakrishnan
Amelie and David Ramirez
Ratcliffe Family Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Ratcliffe
Garrett Reedy
Kerry Reinertsen
Barbara and Frank Resnek
Grant and Karen Richards
Carolyn Richardson
Peter and Trudi Richardson
Marc Rindner and Younjee Kim / RKR Charitable Fund
Oleksandr Rivkind
Bryan and Lauren Rosenbaum
Loretta Rosenmayer / Rosenmayer Family Fund
Rudich Family Charitable Fund
Drs. Michael and Linda Ryan / Ryan Family Charitable Fund
Debra Ryker / Debra B. Ryker Charitable Fund
Brian Ryner
The Saitta Family
Brooke Salisbury / AOK Fund
Mr. Matthew Sanchez
Mark Sapiano and Stuart Bonner
Jared Saussy
Alexis Scarpinato
Donald and Julia Schmidt / Schmidt Family Fund
Robert Schmidt
Paula Schrank
Paul and Hope Schroy / PHGB Charitable Fund
Rear Admiral Anne Schuchat, MD, USPHS, EIS '88
Schulman Family Foundation
Malte Schutz
Lyle Schwartz and Celesta Jurkovich
David and Joan Schwerin / Schwerin Family Foundation
Dr. Curtis Scribner
Scullard Family Fund
Dr. Rosalind Segal
Julie Shapiro and Shelly Cohen
Sarah Sharp
Frederic Elijah Shaw, MD, JD, EIS '83 and Judy K. Kruger, PhD, MS, EIS '01 / Shaw Charitable Fund
Brendan Sheehan / Sheehan Family Fund
Maureen Elizabeth Sheehan / The Maureen Elizabeth Sheehan Charitable Fund
Waheed Sheikh
Andrew Shelofsky
Grace Shin
Sonya Shooshan
Shovlain Family Fund
Marsha Shrago
Elizabeth Shultis / Shultis Charitable Fund
Benjamin Shumate / Shumate Giving Fund
Kristen Silverberg
Mona Singh
Carolyn and Reuben Slone / Carolyn and Reuben Slone Charitable Fund
Dylan Small
Jordyn Smith
Lauren Smith
Margaret Smith / Whitmer Smith Charitable Fund
Mason Smith / Smith Global Altruism Fund
Molly Smith
Rebecca Smith
Jeannie Snead / Snead-Fischer Fund
Pam Snook
Jonathan Sokobin
Roanne Sones
Marcella Spears
Steven Sperber, MD
Deborah Springhorn
Lori Steerup
Steinberg Family Foundation
Valerie Steinbrugge
Kelly Stern
Katherine Sterns
Twyla Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. C. Charles Stokes
Laura Storto
Cameron Stowell
Soo Hwan Suh
Christina Sullivan
Leslie and Dan Sullivan / David Hugh Fund
Martha and Robert Supnik / Martha and Robert Supnik Charitable Fund
Adam and Elliot Swart
Tom Sweet
Tom Swift
Gregg Sylvester, MD, MPH, EIS '90 and Lisa Vague Sylvester / Sylvester Family Fund
Richard Szeliski / Szeliski and McCoy Giving Fund
Alison Taggart-Barone and Larry Barone
Wade Tamanaha
Shannon Taylor
Taylor Tebano
Tessy Foundation
Mrs. Maria Thacker Goethe
Joy Thal Mann
Joel Thibault
Mr. Amit Trivedi
Susan C. Trock, DVM, EIS '87
Twardy Family Charitable Fund
Ellen Ullman Charitable Fund
Lauren Valente
Wilfred van der Donk and Jie Chen
Richard Vandlen
Gay and Al Vekovius
Claire Viarengo
Mr. Mark Volker
Lisa Waddell, MD, MPH
Claudia Wagner and Don Lebowitz Fund
Ross Waller
Tom and Ginny Wallin
Ralph Walter
Lei Wang
Songbai Wang
Bruce Watson
Linda Watts / Linda C. Watts Charitable Fund
Jordan and Caren Waxman / Jordan and Caren Waxman Charitable Fund
Jeffrey and Kay Weaver / The Jeffrey and Kay Weaver Charitable Fund
Robin Weber
Steven Weinstein
Ms. Susan Colton Weisel
Gilbert Weisman and Alane Becket
Dr. Melissa Welch Barker
Karen and Marvin Whaley / Karen and Marvin Whaley Fund
Larry White
Linda Whitley-Taylor and David Taylor
Noah Willows
Kenneth and Debra Wilner / Wilner Giving Fund
Mark Wilson
Jim and Anna Winer
Katherine Witkowski Giving Account
Michael Wolf
Georgia Wong
Simone Wu and Douglas Cox / The Wu Cox Family Fund
Gefei Xu
Conan Yuan
Tami Zalewski, DVM, MPH, EIS '03
Zerden Family Fund
Tom Zimmerman / Zimmerman Giving Fund
Aarohi Zokarkar
Marina Zuetell