Individual Donors

Fiscal Year Report to Donors

Thank you for being a part of the CDC Foundation's critical, lifesaving work. Together, we are creating healthy communities. We celebrate you, our donors and the impact of our public health partners, who are making a difference across the globe.

You can use the “Search All Donors” button at the top to find your name in the report.

  Contributor of five or more consecutive years


Lydia Cunningham
Mary Lou Curran
Colleen Currea
Mr. Tyler Curren
Cyrus Currie
Deborah Currie
Debi Curry
Seretha Curry
Ashma Curry-Patel
Callie Curtin
Joseph Curtin
Victoria Curtin
Greg Curtis
Tom Curtis
Meghan Cusack
Wyatt Cushman
Michael Custodinho
Debbie Cutler
Marc Cutler
Mike and Kathy Cutlip
Ellen Cutter
Spencer Czapiewski
Kathleen Czel
Sharon Czel
Aaron Czinn
Michael J. D'Agostino
Kelsey D'Amato
Anello D'Ambra
Louise D'Andrea
Chris D'Angelo
Bryan D'Arcangelo
Clarinda D'Cruze
John D'Souza
Lyla D.
Tkobe D. L.
Albab Dabela
Shridhar Dabholkar
Rodylyn Dacanay
Ram Dachepalli
Therese Dachille
Itai Dadon
Richard Dagen
Robin Dahan
Romulo Dahilig
Daniel Dahl
Komal Dahya
Mr. Ted Daisher
Yosef Daitchman
William Dal Porto
Drew Daley
Brendan Dallas
Meme Dalmacio
Brianna Dal Molin
James Dalton
Lauren Daly
Nancy Daly
Andrew Damer
Katie Damico
Carli Damien
Sam Dan
Michele Dandrea
Aravind Goud Dandu Laxmaiah
Dorothy Dane
Dr. Isabella Danel, EIS '93
Aimee Dang
Yan Dang
Mr. Yuanchu Dang
Sika Danh
Tiffany Mariani Danhelka
Lindsey Daniel
Mark Daniell
Angela Daniels
Cleve Daniels
Elizabeth Daniels
Joanna Daniels
Pattie Daniels
Stephen Daniels
Sally Danielson
Rick Danioth
Mark Danis
Peter Danis
David Danisewich
Pamela Danner
Dr. Lisa Danzig, EIS '93
Tweetie Dao
Tweetie Thuy Dao
Katrina Dapkus
Jeremiah Darais
Ruth Darden
Sheryl Dare
Prashant Darisi
Debra Darling
Diane Darling
Jackie Darpel
Marjorie Darraugh
Chitra Das
Indrani Das
Nina Das
Pulak Das