Individual Donors

Fiscal Year Report to Donors

Thank you for being a part of the CDC Foundation's critical, lifesaving work. Together, we are creating healthy communities. We celebrate you, our donors and the impact of our public health partners, who are making a difference across the globe.

You can use the “Search All Donors” button at the top to find your name in the report.

  Contributor of five or more consecutive years


David Deehl
Angel Deelse
Kathy Deely
Walter Deford
Christina DeFrancesco
Dr. James DeFrancisco
Keri Degnan
Mary Degolian
Martin Dehosson
Tracie Dejarnette-Holly
DEK Charitable Donations
James Del Polito
Lauren Delacruz
Robert and Mary Delaney
Joette Delaney-Drum
Mary Delehanty
Tiffany Delfin
Hannah Delforte
Alexander Delgadillo
Bill Delgaudio
Paige Delisio
Claudia Dellaripa
David Dellenbaugh
Matthew Deltoro
Belen DeLuca
Jennifer DeLuca
Ruth Demaio
Lee Demaree
Juliana Demaria
Raya Demarquez
Gary Demers
Matthew DeMichiel
Jon Demidio
Britt Demming
Paul Demopoulos
Pete Demoreuille
Lara Demos
Theresa Dempsey
Luanne Deneff
Diane Denenberg
Gloria Deng
Alex Denney
Danielle Denney
Raymond Dennis
Katharine Dennybrown
Barbara Dent
Ms. Claudia Dent
Catherine Dentinger, MS, NP, EIS '97
Ted Denton
Dr. Roberto DePaz
Kelly Deperry
Joseph DePrimo
Kevin Dermody
David Derry
Nicholas Derry
Michael Dervage
Ankit Desai
Apurvi Desai
Gopika Desai
Kamal Desai
Manish Desai
Pragnesh Desai
Prashant Desai
Vishal Desai
Ulhas Desale
Carol DeSantis
Sandra DeShields
Dushyant Deshmukh
Mike Dessert
Mary Dessypris
David Deutsch
Cecilia Dev
Anantha Devaki
Karen Devine
Stephanie Devine
George Devino
Vikyath Deviprasad Rao
Gina Devito
Kathleen Devlin
Dr. Aaron Devries
Devulapalli Charity Fund
Praveen Devulapalli
Usha and Ravi Devulapalli
Larry Dewell
Kevin Dewillie
Jane Dewitt
Lynne and Jimmy DeWitt
Liz Dewsnap
Kristin Dexter
Sudipto Dey
Plechette Dey-Foy
Rommelda Deyoung
Nilusha Dg
Sanjaya Dhakal, PhD, MSPH, MS, EIS '08
Vamsi Priya Dharmaraju
Vinayak Dhopeshwarkar
Shanna Dhugga
Cynthia Di Bella
Judy Di Enno-Newport