Individual Donors

Fiscal Year Report to Donors

Thank you for being a part of the CDC Foundation's critical, lifesaving work. Together, we are creating healthy communities. We celebrate you, our donors and the impact of our public health partners, who are making a difference across the globe.

You can use the “Search All Donors” button at the top to find your name in the report.

  Contributor of five or more consecutive years


Ms. Melody Geraci
Pete Geraci
Gerald Gerard
Jay Gerard
Jeremy Gerber
Mr. Richard Gerber
Daniel Gerdes
Janet Gerdes
Leslie Gerkens
Whitney Gerkin
Roger Germinder
Michelle Gersen
Robert Gershowitz
Carol and Mitchell Gerson
Manette Gerstle
Becky Gertgen
Barry Gerz III
Frederick Gesswein
The Edward & Lauralyn Gesten Family Foundation
Thomas Geyer
Michael Ghabarou
Zoubin Ghahramani
Indranil Ghosh
Rahul Ghosh
Rachele Gianfranchi
Aimee Giangrave
Nancy Gibbs
Phoebe Gibbs
Sam Giberson
Burke Giblin
Laurel Gibson
Sylvia Gibson
Tanja Gibson
Tara Gibson
Dr. Nick Gideonse
Janet Giesen
Christopher Giglia
Alice E. Gilbert
Brian and Heather Gilbert
Collin Gilbert
Ryan Gilbert
Vicki Gilbert Dietz
Debby Gilhooly
Salvatore Giliberto
David Giliotti
Michael Gilkenson
Dejon Gill
Thera Gill
Marion Gillen
Sarah and Philip Giller
Amanda Gillespie
Shanyn Gillespie
Kimberly Gillett
Heather Gilley
Christopher and Mary Gillman
Jarod Gilman
Ms. Susan R. Gilmont
Douglas Gilmore
Joe Gilmore
Megan Gilmore
Sheila Gilmore
Jason Gilroy
Terrie Gilstrap
Patricia Giltinane
Jacqueline S. Gindler, MD, EIS '89
Mary and Jerome Ginley
Cheryl R. Ginsberg
Judy Ginsberg
Zoe Ginsberg
Amanda Gioia
Gary Giovino
Bob Girouard
Dr. Janie L. Gittleman, EIS '90
Francois Giuntini
Vonzella Givan
Janice Gladin
Robert Gladstein
Chad Glamuzina
Ahaviah Glaser
Ann-Linn and Larry Glaser
Gary H. Glaser
Lewrene Glaser
Dr. Gina Glass
Julia Glass
Karen Glass
Susan Glass
Karen Glasser
Emily Glazer
Mr. Sean Gleason
James Gleeson
Carol Glenn
Jonathan Glenn
Pam Glenn
Pamela O. Glennon
Adam Glick
Carrie Glick
Sherry Glick
Thomas H. Glick, MD, EIS '67 and Georgia Glick
Rachel Glickman
Ginger Gloystein