Individual Donors

Fiscal Year Report to Donors

Thank you for being a part of the CDC Foundation's critical, lifesaving work. Together, we are creating healthy communities. We celebrate you, our donors and the impact of our public health partners, who are making a difference across the globe.

You can use the “Search All Donors” button at the top to find your name in the report.

  Contributor of five or more consecutive years


Matt and Eliann Lipsky
Marjorie Lipson
Robyn Lisa
Margaret Liss
Shelly Liston
Jason Liszewski
Janie Litt
Mark Litt
Ruth Litterick
Mr. Christopher Little
Maureen Little
William Little
Maxwell Littlefield
Katherine Littlewood
Jason Littrell
Sarah Litvinchuk
Andrew Liu
DaJiang (Peter) Liu
Dequan Liu
Tammy Liu
Henry Liu
Julia Liu
Li-Juan Liu
Liling Liu
Pei I. Liu
Pepe Liu
Weiting Liu
Xiaomei Liu
Yilin Liu
Ziqian Liu
Lorraine Liverpool
Ryan Livinghouse
Stan Livingood III
Mitzi Livingston
Karen L. Livius
Elayne Livote
Carlos Llapa
Alexis Llorens
Jenifer Lloyd, DVM, MSPH, EIS '95 and Michael Lloyd
Maureen Lloyd
Ryan Lloyd
Cheri Lo
Mark Lo
Dr. Sergio Lo Iacono
John Lobanowski
Nathaniel Loberger
Evan Lobisser
Alice Lobo-Rocha
Linda Locke
Dr. Robert Locke
Lawrence and Mary Lockhart
William Lockwood
Oivind Loe
Shujie Loedolff
Jerome and Jan Loew
Brian D. Lofquist
Margy and Geoff Loftus
Angela Logan
Anthony Logan
Daniel Logan
Kathy Logan
Mercedes Logan
Jennifer Loglia
Anthony Loh
Thomas Lokhorst
Mr. Ravikumar Lolam
Thomas and Patrice Lomax
Zachary Lombard
Cora Lombardi
Linda Lombardi
Rita Lombardi
Tammy Lombardo
Natalie London and Richard Yuresko
Chris Long
Huey Long
Kate Long
Philip Long
Sandi Long
Susan Long
Ms. Lauren Ashley Loor
Joseph Lopes
Alexander Lopez
Darlene Lopez
Dr. Ray Lopez
Matthew Lorain
Dr. Sandra Lord
Thomas Lord
Michael Lorenz
Jennifer Lorenzen
John Lorenzen
Jacqueline Lorenzetti
Matt Lorz
Roger and Charlene Lossing
Therese Lostroscio
Dina Lotito
Michael Lotito
Jenna Lott
Benjamin LoTurco
Thom Loubet and Mariko Silver