Individual Donors

Fiscal Year Report to Donors

Thank you for being a part of the CDC Foundation's critical, lifesaving work. Together, we are creating healthy communities. We celebrate you, our donors and the impact of our public health partners, who are making a difference across the globe.

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  Contributor of five or more consecutive years


Sharon and Irwin Rubin / Sharon and Irwin Rubin Charitable Giving Fund
Sheila Rubin
Mrs. Dale Rubinfeld
Mr. Anton Rucker
William Rudart
Ms. Kate Rudd
Perry Rudich
Barry Rudner
Mrs. Amy Rudy
Brian and Lori Ruede
Allison Ruggirello
Yan Rui
Davit Rukhadze
Parker Rundstrom
Dr. David Rush, EIS '61 / David Rush Family Charitable Gift Fund
Erin Rusonis / The Rusonis Charitable Fund
Barbara L. Russel / BLR Fund
David L. Russell
Linda Russell
Alexa Russo
Gena Ruszecki
Domenica Ruta
Matthew Ruzicka
Claudia Ryan
Hannah Ryan
Margaret Ryan
Ms. Marian L. Ryan
Nessa Ryan
Cleo Rydeski
Russell S.
Lin B. Saberski
Dr. William R. Sabes
Pamela Sabo
Robert Sacks / Nagelberg-Sacks Family Charitable Fund
Ms. Fatema A. Sadiq
Dr. Thomas J. Safranek, EIS '84
Tess Sage
Ms. Sofia A. Saiz
Dr. Alexandria Sakrejda
Robert S. Salamon / Salamon Family Charitable Fund
Salanga Family Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Salatin
Mr. Farrukh Saleem
Susanne Salehi
Michael Sales, EdD
Meresa Salisbury
Mr. Robert Salmon
John Salvino
Waseem Samaan
Sarangan Sampath
Dr. Cathy Samples, EIS '76
Debra Sampson
Marie I. Sanchez
Matthew A. Sanchez
Rebeca Sandel
Mrs. Ellen B. Sanders
Lisa Sandoval
Dr. Elena Sandoval-Lucero
Lawrence Sands, DO, MPH
Monica Sands / Monica Sands Charitable Fund
Abhishek Sangam
George Sangiolo
Nalinee Sangrujee
Alex Sanguinetti
Lakshmi Sannidhi
Ms. Kathryn Santos
Leide Santos
Ms. Tobey Nelson Sapiano
Adam Sappern
Ashley Sarpong
Mr. J. Ronald Sattele
Janet Saul
Cheryl W. and James E. Saunders
Leigh A. Sawyer, DVM, MPH, EIS '85
Dorothy Saxe
Mrs. Diana Robelotto Scalera
Suzanna Scales
Mr. Nick Schaad
Karen and Chuck Schader
Carol Schaefer
Wendy and Philip Schaefer
Mrs. Colleen Schaefers
Alan Schaer
Donald and Wylie Schaffer
William Schaffner, MD, EIS '66
Mr. Albert Schapiro
Dr. Jeff Scharf
Carol Scharff / Scharff Family Fund
William E. Scheckler, MD, EIS '68 and Rolliana B. Scheckler
Jane Scheer and Rob Hursh / Scheer-Hursh Giving Fund
Myra J. W. and Emanuel A. Schegloff
Mrs. Rosalyn Tauber Scheidlinger
Brenda Schell
Ms. Janet K. Schenk
Susan Schiff
Mr. Edward Schiffer
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Schiller
Jessica Schindelar
Maxine Schindelman
Laura Schleyer