Workforce Services
Connecting You with Qualified Health Professionals
We know from experience how challenging it is to recruit, hire and retain skilled public health professionals. By leveraging your health department's funding and CDC Foundation's expertise in identifying top talent to support a broad range of public health initiatives like data modernization, evaluation, program management and more we can work together to strengthen your jurisdiction's capacity to drive meaningful impact in your communities.
Workforce Descriptions
The positions below represent the variety of roles our team can help you fill. Contact us to discuss your needs—even if you don’t see a specific position listed here.
Access to & Linkages with Clinical Care
- Nurse Manager
- Nutritionist
- Medical Consultant
- Nurse Abstractor Health Program Specialist
- Linkage to Care Coodinator
Chronic Disease & Injury Prevention
- Chronic Disease Epidemiologist
- Comorbidity Coordinator
- Crisis Stabilization Centers Coordinator
- Drug Intelligence Officer
- Overdose Coordinator
Environmental Public Health
- Safety Officer
- Environmental Health Specialist
- Environmental Investigator
- Site Compliance Reviewer
- Foodborne and Waterborne Disease Coordinator
Infectious/Communicable Disease Control
- Communicable Disease Investigator
- Infectious Disease Program Coordinator
- Infection Preventionist
- Informatics Epidemiologist
- Epidemiologist
Laboratory Sciences
- Bioinformatician
- Health Scientist
- Lab Clerk
- Lab Manager
- Laboratory Microbiologist
Maternal, Child & Family Health
- Health Educator
- Care Coordinator
- Outreach Specialist
- Community Health Worker
- Immunization Support Specialist
Program Administration, Grants Management, Finance
- Learning Director
- Emergency Preparedness Planner
- Public Health Accreditation Manager
- Program Evaluator
- Budget Analyst
Information Technology and Data Modernization
- Data Analyst
- Data Systems Project Manager
- Informatics Specialist
- Information Systems Manager
- Data Visualization Specialist

The CDC Foundation Advantage
- A Name in Public Health
We are a nonprofit with deep experience in public health and collaborating with health department.
- Proven Hiring Capability
We’ve filled over 6,000 positions in the public health sector since 2021.
- A Flexible and Fast Full-Service Solution
We take the burden of recruitment off your shoulders by leveraging our national network to quickly identify top candidates for your open roles. From developing job descriptions and managing requisitions to screening candidates and scheduling interviews at your convenience, we handle every aspect of the hiring process.
- Career Development and Benefits
We offer competitive salaries, benefits and professional development opportunities to secure the most qualified talent.
Partner Perspective
“Our partnership with the CDC Foundation continues to be crucial in enhancing our staffing and response capabilities… At the Illinois Department of Public Health, our partnership with CDC Foundation is more than a contract for services. It’s an alliance to better serve the people of Illinois.”
– Dr. Sameer Vohra, Director, Illinois Department of Public Health