Centering and Celebrating Cultures for National Public Health Week

The first full week of April each year we celebrate National Public Health Week as an important reminder of the critical role that public health plays in protecting and improving the health of our communities. This year's theme is "Centering and Celebrating Cultures in Health" and all week we will be highlighting the importance of partnerships and community collaboration in addressing our most pressing health challenges.

Public health is the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health. It takes all of us—government, the philanthropic and private sectors and individuals—working together to prevent the spread of disease, promote healthy behaviors and improve access to quality health care for all. In essence, public health is a collective effort to improve the health and well-being of entire populations—which can be as small as a local community or as big as a region of the world.

At the CDC Foundation, our programs play a vital role in promoting and protecting the health of communities across the globe. These programs focus on a range of issues such as infectious disease control, environmental health, maternal and child health, chronic disease prevention emergency response and injury prevention.

To learn more about the ways public health affects our communities, we are spotlighting our programs each day that align with the National Public Health Week themes. The public health topic areas for this week include:

  • Community
  • Violence Prevention
  • Reproductive and Sexual Health
  • Mental Health
  • Rural Health
  • Accessibility
  • Food and Nutrition

Individual giving is crucial to help fill the gap and support these programs that improve health and save lives. There are a variety of ways that individuals can support public health, but one of the most effective ways is by joining our Impact Circle with a monthly recurring gift to the CDC Foundation. No matter the size of your donation, your commitment improves the health and well-being of individuals and communities across the globe and better prepares our response in the face of the next public health crisis.

Britta Hallberg
Britta Halberg is an advancement officer at the CDC Foundation.