Photo Contest Submissions

Photo 1 Em: I took this photo while on a Stop Transmission of Polio (STOP) assignment in the Philippines. We had set up a vaccination post in an old church.

Photo Contest1

Photo 1 Em: I took this photo while on a Stop Transmission of Polio (STOP) assignment in the Philippines. We had set up a vaccination post in an old church. The glass in the windows was gone, but this little girl, named Em, could still peer at me through the remaining iron frame.

Photo Contest2

Photo 2 Children Watching a Community Dialogue: From a distance, children watch a community dialogue in Katsina, Nigeria. Community dialogues are held in areas that have rejected polio vaccination to respond to questions and concerns from villagers. After the community dialogue, the men agree to ask their wives to cooperate with the immunization teams.

Photo Contest 3

Photo 3 Sunrise in the Philippines: I took this photo while on a Stop Transmission of Polio (STOP) assignment in the Philippines. We were taking a banka, a traditional Filipino boat, early in the morning. Our captain stood out on the bow as we pushed away from the shore.

Photo Contest 4

Photo 4 Shoe-Leather Epidemiology: This photo was taken during the CDC field team’s investigation of a nationwide cholera outbreak in Kenya in 2009. The team had to purchase new sandals which were handmade by a CDC Kenya local staff member becuase the teams footwear had been worn out from trecking around the very remote and arid area of Turkana, Kenya during the cholera investigation.

Photo Contest 5

Photo 5 Ethiopia Basic Care Package: This photo is taken at Gonder University Hospital in Aamhara, Ethiopia of two PEPFAR staff during the beginning of a nationwide distribution of a basic care package (BCP) to HIV-infected clients of antiretroviral clinics. The package contains commodities and information to support several inexpensive, evidence-based interventions designed to increase the quality of life and overall health among recipients. The interventions included are 6 bottles of Wuha Agar, a sodium hypochlorite solution for household water treatment, 24 sachets of PuR®, another water treatment product designed for turbid water sources, a 20 L narrow-mouthed plastic container with lid and tap (jerrican), 100 condoms, 4 bars of soap, 4 doses of albendazole and an informational booklet.

Photo Contest 6

Photo 6 Village Children – Malawi: These are children in a village in Machinga District in Malawi. We were conducting a baseline evaluation for a safe water and hygiene promotion program in this area.

Photo Contest 7

Photo 7 Malawian woman: A woman in a Malawian urban informal settlement in Blantyre District. We were conducting an evaluation of a safe water and hygiene promotion program. We interviewed this woman on household water treatment practices.

Photo Contest 8

Photo 8 Rapid Coverage Assessment: I took this photo while doing a Rapid Coverage Assessment of an outreach immunization activity we conducted on a Stop Transmission of Polio (STOP) assignment in the Philippines.

Photo Contest 9

Photo 9 Mother and Son: Even though the boy in the photograph has one type of polio, he is vaccinated to protect against other strains of the disease (Katsina, Nigeria).

Photo Contest 10

Photo 10 Community Health Worker with Child: This photo shows a Community Health Worker with her child Jobe. They are from East Pokot in the semi-arid Northern area of Kenya. This area was heavily affected during a nationwide cholera outbreak in Kenya in 2009. The lady helped us locate very rural homes in her community which had experienced a death from cholera.

Photo Contest 11

Photo 11 Girl with chlorine – Malawi: This child is holding a bottle of chlorine stock solution, which is distributed by the Malawi Ministry of Health during the rainy season for household water treatment.

Terri Heyns
Terri Heyns, MA, is the vice president for communications for the CDC Foundation.