
Sickle Cell Research Makes an Impact in California

For the estimated 100,000 people in the United States who suffer from sickle cell disease, living with this potentially deadly blood disorder is a daily challenge. But in the fight against the disease, medical professionals have been hampered by a frustrating lack of data on how, when and where patients are accessing care.

Working Together to Address Gaps in Global Health Systems

The 2014 outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in West Africa moved disease preparedness into the global spotlight. Global health gaps in areas such as disease surveillance, laboratory capacity and workforce development have a direct impact on Americans’ health, safety and security.

Beating Back Ebola in DRC: How Philanthropic and Private Support Can End the Crisis

Since Ebola was discovered in 1976, there have been 28 outbreaks worldwide and 10 in DRC alone—more than any other country. In addition to the current outbreak continuing to play out, there will be lasting consequences to this epidemic once it ends.

The Faces Behind the Opioid Response

In the last few months, the Rhode Island Department of Health has seen a surge in staff working to tackle this public health crisis challenging states across the country.

Overdose Doesn’t Mean It’s Over: Rhode Island’s Response to the Opioid Crisis

Just weeks ago, Lily Rivera saved a life. On the corner of Peace and Broad in Providence, Rhode Island, Lily works at an agency that organizes outreach teams and provides education to high-risk populations struggling with opioid addiction.

CDC Foundation Grants Help Combat Veteran Suicide

Each year, hundreds of thousands of Americans serve their country in the U.S. military. For many, their military experience becomes a building block for personal and professional development. For others, however, post-military life can bring challenges.

Bridging the Gap: Gaming Group Builds Community for Veterans

For many military veterans, the transition back to civilian life can be challenging. StackUp brings both veterans and civilian supporters together through a shared love of video gaming.

Inspired to Give: Donor Dollars Stretch Far to Protect the Public's Health

“A dollar spent on public health is one of the highest yielding investments possible,” says Bob Yellowlees, retired chairman of the boards of Global Payments, Inc. and NDC Health.