Linda Saltzman New Investigator Award

The Linda Saltzman New Investigator Award recognizes an outstanding new investigator with 2-10 years of experience working in the field of the prevention of intimate partner violence, domestic violence, sexual violence or dating violence. Futures Without Violence, CDC and a committee of experts selects an outstanding individual to receive the award every other year. The recipient receives passage to the National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence and a stipend.

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About Dr. Linda Saltzman

Linda SaltzmanSenior Scientist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) Division of Violence Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Linda Saltzman, PhD, connected research to policy and science to advocacy in ways that broke new ground, challenging the research community to explore violence and helping advocates base their work on science.

Dr. Saltzman worked at the CDC from 1984 until her death in 2005. While there, she initiated numerous studies that built understanding about the causes and consequences of domestic and sexual violence. Much of her work focused on public health surveillance of violence against women, and violence as it relates to pregnancy and other reproductive health issues. She helped develop and test uniform definitions for intimate partner and sexual violence, which have made data collection more effective. She became one of the CDC’s top experts on violence, and one of the violence prevention movement’s most trusted allies. A highly regarded expert, Dr. Saltzman authored and co-authored several groundbreaking studies including Intimate Partner Violence Surveillance: Uniform Definitions and Recommended Data Elements.

Program Description: To recognize an outstanding new investigator with 2-10 years of experience working in the field of domestic violence, violence against women or dating violence. Futures Without Violence, CDC and a committee of experts selects an outstanding individual to receive the award every other year beginning 2012. The recipient receives passage to the National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence.
Funding Partners:
  • Multiple individuals and organizations
Program Partners:
  • CDC's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
Program Location:
  • United States of America