Individual Donors

Fiscal Year Report to Donors

Thank you for being a part of the CDC Foundation's critical, lifesaving work. Together, we are creating healthy communities. We celebrate you, our donors and the impact of our public health partners, who are making a difference across the globe.

You can use the “Search All Donors” button at the top to find your name in the report.

  Contributor of five or more consecutive years


Nghiep Chung
Sally Chung
Sandra Chung
Cameron Church
Melissa Church
Viktor Chynarov
Kim Ciccarelli
Anthony Cicchella
Yan and Mike Ciccone
Joe Ciesinski
Diana Cimino
D.J. Cimorelli
Emma Cinatl
Antonetta Cincotta
Cindy Horn Charitable Gift Fund
Cindy Janesky and Jack Charitable Fund
Justin Cinicolo
Andrea Cinkovic
Samuel Ciocco
Steven Ciofalo
Joan P. Cioffi, PhD
Sheri Cipriano
Dr. Alexandra Cirone
Carrie Cisek
Ryan Cisler
Cissy St. John Donor Advised Fund
Rachel Citera
Daniel Citrin
Jane Citron
Beth Civitci
Lucy Civitello
Ruth Claire Keene
Christopher Clancy
Jonathan Clapp
Lynda Clare
Mary Clare
Clare and Rich Segall Family Charitable Fund
Alex Clark
Mrs. Ann Clark
David Clark
Elliot Clark
Emily Clark
Jacqueline Clark
Joan Clark
Ken Clark
Kevin Clark
Lisa Clark
Michael Clark
Paulette Clark
Roberta Clark
Ronald Clark
Ryan Clark
Sarah Clark
Sherri Clark Long
Lauren Clark-Bakewell
Katherine Clarke
Olivia Clarke
Sarah Clarke
Hampton Clarkson
Noel Claro
John Claus
Leo Clavecilla
Rick Clay
Rachel Clayden
Allan Claymon
Duane Claypool
Corey and Danielle Clayton
Beth Clearfield
Susan Clearfield
Katherine Cleghorn
William Clem
Catherine Clement
John and Carol Clement
Clement Charitable Trust
Mary Clemons
Romain Clerou
Ruth Cleveland
John Clever and Andrea Boyar
Mandy Click
Rob and Deann Clifton
Amy Cline
Ashley Clines
Zachary Clopton
Gail Clott
Wanda Clouse
Laura Cloutier
Kevin Clugage
Jack and Gloria Clumeck
Marlin Cluts
Sandra Clutter
Gwen Clyse
CMG Charitable Fund
Jakheen Coaby
Amy and Jim Coane
The COARB Fund
Pam Coats
Stephen Coats
Rhoda Coben
Roger and Rachel Coben
Susan Cobin