Individual Donors

Fiscal Year Report to Donors

Thank you for being a part of the CDC Foundation's critical, lifesaving work. Together, we are creating healthy communities. We celebrate you, our donors and the impact of our public health partners, who are making a difference across the globe.

You can use the “Search All Donors” button at the top to find your name in the report.

  Contributor of five or more consecutive years


Zachary Dyme
Benjamin Dyson
Emefa Dzivenu
E. B. Avril Fund
Jonathan Eads
Carolyn Eagle
David Eagle
Claudette Earl
Eric Earl
Earl C. and Susan D. Burt Family Gift Fund
Alexa Earls
Sandy Earnhardt
David Eash
Larry and Judy East
Todd Easton
John and Sharon Eatwell
Eric Ebbesen
Jenny Ebel
Dena Eben Kernish
Dr. Elizabeth Eber
Bonnie Eberhart
Michelle Ebersman
Dr. Frans Ebersohn
Deanne Ebner
Bryce Ebrahimian
Rob Eccles
Christopher Eccleston
Melissa Eckers
Don Eckert
Jana Ecklund
Alice Eckstein
Michael Eckstein
Eckstein/Olson Charitable Fund
Mark Ecton
Katherine Eddins
Aaron Eddy
Dawn Edell
Alan Edelman
Dr. Carrie Edelman
Doreen Edelman
Mark Edelman
Nancy Edelman
Rachel Edelman
Richard Edelman
Sandy Edelman
Shoshana Edelman
William Edelman
Edelman Lichterman Donor Advised Fund
Rosalie and David Edelson
Adam and Jennie Edelstein
Burton Edelstein
Dr. Joel Edelstein
Christopher Eden
David Eden
Tamara Eden
Jessica Edgar
Brianna Edghill
Abhijit Edlabadkar
Sharon Edman
Nate Edmons
Aidan Edmunds
Kevin J. Edner
Jan Edquilang
Tamar Edrich
Edward and Eva Toriello Family Fund
Edward and Susan Rogalski Charitable Fund
Edward C. & Wendy S. Bernstein Charitable Fund
Edward S. & Susie W. Rowland Charitable Fund
Allan Edwards
Dr. Andy Edwards
Cammie Edwards
David Edwards
Elaine Edwards
Leslie Anne Edwards
Susan Edwards
Tony Edwards
Truman Edwards
Sonya Edwards Faiella
Edwin and Lynn Taff Fund
Laura Efron
Maurine Egan
Jason Egbert
David Egee
Dana Egert
Marsha Eggenberger
Dani Egna
Danielle Egna
Joseph Ego
Roger Ehrenberg
Martha Ehrenfeld
Ellen Ehrenpreis
Ron Ehrens
Benjamin L. Ehrets
Elisabeth Ehrich
Julie Ehrlich
Martin Ehrlich
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Ehrlich
Stacy L. Ehrlich
Kimberly Ehrman
Judy Eichel