Individual Donors

Fiscal Year Report to Donors

Thank you for being a part of the CDC Foundation's critical, lifesaving work. Together, we are creating healthy communities. We celebrate you, our donors and the impact of our public health partners, who are making a difference across the globe.

You can use the “Search All Donors” button at the top to find your name in the report.

  Contributor of five or more consecutive years


Justin K. Farris
Russell Farscht
Frank Fasano
Brandon Faske
Samantha Fasone
Josey Fast
Ira Fateman and Jobeth Walt
Susan Faulds
Fauman Fichman Family Fund
Jon Faust
Jonathan Favreau
Drs. Gerald and Sheila Fay
Angela Fayad
Henry Fayne
Karen Febeo
Febeo Fund
Susan Feber
Feber Family Charitable Fund
Bambang Febryanto
Fred Fechheimer
Debra Fechter
David Fechtor
Deb Feder
Gary Feder
Leslie Feder
Stephen Feder
Tim Federle
Kevin Fedewa
Thomas Fedje
Kristina Fedorenko
Warren Fee and Stephanie Moerman
Katherine Feeney
Kylie Feenstra
Bryan Fehr
Michael Fehr
Lacy Fehrenbach
Caryl Feibelman
Barbara Feifer
Anna May Feige
Illana D. Feiglin
Peter Feiler
Andrea Feimberg
Dr. Alan Fein
Frances Fein
Cindy Feinberg
Diane Feinberg
Jacob Feinberg
Karen Feinberg
Renee and Stuart Feinblatt
Leslie Feiner
Shlomi Feiner
Eleanor Feingold
Jeffrey Feingold
Feingold Family Fund
Meredith Feinman
Larry and Mindy Feinstein
Feinstein Family Charitable Fund
Jack Feirman
Steven Feist
Barbara Feit
Brenda and Harold Feit and Family
Cheryl Feit
Roger Felberbaum
Randy Feld
Milton Feldberg
Leonard C. Felder
Bobbi and Rob Feldgreber
Jane Feldgus
Alan Feldman
Allen and Nancy Feldman
Amy and Len Feldman
Andrea Feldman
Barbara Feldman
David Feldman
Debra Feldman
Debra M. Feldman, MD, MPH, EIS '00
Elliott Feldman
Gabby Feldman
Harold I. Feldman
Jason Feldman
Jeffrey Feldman
John Feldman
Judith T. Feldman
Judy Feldman
Larry and Joan Feldman
Marc Feldman
Marlin and David Feldman
Nancy Feldman
Nina Feldman
Robert and Rosylin Feldman
Robert Feldman
Robin Feldman
Sharon and Rod Feldman
Tamara Feldman
Sherry Feldstein
Vickie Feldstein
Eugene Felegy
Ross Felker
Howard and Leigh Ann Feller
Nancy Feller