Individual Donors

Fiscal Year Report to Donors

Thank you for being a part of the CDC Foundation's critical, lifesaving work. Together, we are creating healthy communities. We celebrate you, our donors and the impact of our public health partners, who are making a difference across the globe.

You can use the “Search All Donors” button at the top to find your name in the report.

  Contributor of five or more consecutive years


Heidi Clark
Joan Clark
Joanne Clark
Lisa Clark
Michael Clark
Kathleen Clark Kimmel
Monika Clark Templin
Kailin Clarke
Thomas Clasby
Christine D. Clauss
Cory Claussen
Jennifer Claussen
Grace Clavey
Richard Clay
Duane Claypool
Danielle and Corey Clayton
Dr. Jess Clayton
Laura Clayton
Mr. Sean Cleary
Lori Clemens
Regina Clement
Carly Clemons
Romain P. Clerou
Peter Cline
Ryan Cloud
Gloria and Jack Clumeck
Kalie Clunk
Kevin Clute
Sandra Clutter
Alex Coburn
Craig Coburn
Todd Cochran
Derek Cockey
Kathleen Coderre
Renan Coelho Silva
Coeytaux Family
Grady Coffee
Louisa Coffelt
Susan E. Coffin
Julia A. Coffman
Terri Coffsky
Dr. Mary Edmonds Cogswell, EIS '92
Mike Cohan
Beverly Cohen
Carrie Cohen
Deborah Cohen
Donn Cohen
Herbert and Arlene Cohen
Julie Cohen
Martha Cohen
Mitchell Cohen, MD, USPHS, EIS '76 and Jean Cohen
Nancy Cohen
Pauline Cohen
Sheldon Cohen
Sherri Cohen
Dr. Stephen Cohen, EIS '62 and Emily Cohen Ravezzi
Steven Cohen
Susan Cohen
Tova Cohen
Mark Coira
Linnae and Marvin Coker
Lisa Coker and Family
David Cole
Diane Cole
Maureen Cole
Peter Cole
Sarah Cole
Alan Coleman
Alicia Coleman
Barbie Coleman
Neil Coleman
Raymond and Rebecca Coleman
Ryan Coleman
Ali Coles
Jack Coles
Morgan Colfax
Margarita Collado-Aleman
Dave Collett
Duane Collett
Tom Collett
Lynn Collette
Barbara A. L. Collins
Brooke and Danny Collins
Dawn Collins
Jennifer Collins
Jessica Collins
Sharon Collins
Vicki Collins
Katie Colombo
Christopher Colomier
Lisa Colone
Michael Colonna
Victor Coloyan
Courtney Colvin
Julie Combs
Ellen Comeaux
Snoot Comer
Daniel Comito
Deanne Comito
Howard Comitor