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Individual Donors
Fiscal Year Report to Donors
Thank you for being a part of the CDC Foundation's critical, lifesaving work. Together, we are creating healthy communities. We celebrate you, our donors and the impact of our public health partners, who are making a difference across the globe.
You can use the “Search All Donors” button at the top to find your name in the report.
Rosa Commisso
Amy Compton Byrne
Kerri Comstock
Nicole Concepcion
Nancy Conde
Caitlin Conheeney
I. J. Coniglio
Branden and Elly Conley
Michele Conley
Patricia Conley
Valerie Conlon
Kyber Conly
Robert Connell
Dorothy Connelly and Richard Segal
Anna Connelly
Chase Conner
Mrs. Jill Conner
Nancy Conner
Dean Connolly
Dr. Samantha Connolly
Ms. Susan Connolly
Eileen Connor
Saundra Connors
Colette Conover
Robert Conrad
Suzanne Conrad
Kathleen Conran
Dr. Elizabeth J. Conrey, EIS '03
Janet T. Conroy
Barbara Conroy Singer
Stacy Constable
Susan Constantine
Jovita Constantino
Caterina Conti
Nicholas Contini
Nina Contino
Melissa Converse
Deborah Conway
Frank Conway
Mike Conway
Robert Conway
Wendy Conway
Jessica Coogan
Laico Cook
Rebecca Cook
Victoria Cook
Lindsey Cook Kelly
Jessica Cooke
Robert Cooke
Casey Cooksey
Carla Cooley
Laura A. Cooley, MD, EIS '12
Susan Cooney
Brian Cooper
Cassandra Cooper
Edwin Cooper
Joseph Cooper
Karyl Cooper
Ms. Susan Cooper
Irene Cooperman
Kathleen and Robert Coords
Nathaniel Cope
Sandra Cope
The Copley Roy Family Fund
Russell, Susan and Logan Copper
Rosalie Corame
Susan and Arnold Coran
Dr. Steven Corbato
Christine Corbo
Matthew Corby
Lydia Corchado Ortega
Robert Corder
Alan Cordukes
Johnaie Cori
Bill Cork
Gretchen Corkrean
Charles Corley
Kristi Corley
Quinn Cormier
Manuel Cornelisse
Ron Cornell
Dr. Nancy Cornish
Jonah Corpuz
Michelle Corral
Sharon Corrao
Leonard Correale
Jennifer Correia
Lauren Correia
Ms. Catharine Corrigan
Jeanne Corrinne
Nathan Corser
Alan Cortes
Gloria Cortes
Dr. Jennifer Cortes, EIS '10
Roberto Cortez
Sherry Cortez-Fassler
Carmen Corvino
Frank and Stacey Cory
Christopher Cosantino
James Cosby