Individual Donors

Fiscal Year Report to Donors

Thank you for being a part of the CDC Foundation's critical, lifesaving work. Together, we are creating healthy communities. We celebrate you, our donors and the impact of our public health partners, who are making a difference across the globe.

You can use the “Search All Donors” button at the top to find your name in the report.

  Contributor of five or more consecutive years


Alexandra Fernandes
Jane Fernandes
Warren Fernandes
Edward Fernandez
Ging Ging Fernandez
Christine Fernando
Tamara Fernando
Kim Ferraro
Romain Ferron
Andrew Ferrucci
Ms. Maura Fertich
Anthony Fery
Jennifer Fery
Ben Fetherston
Kate Fetherston
Tom Fetherston
Margalit Feuer
Janice Fewkes
Dave Fey
Addisu Feyissa
Ed Feys
Alice Fichandler
Mikey Field
Steven Field
Jessica Fielden
Fran Fielder
Edward L. Fields
Arlene and Steven Fienberg
Gregory Figueroa
Gregory Filice, MD, EIS '75 and Svetlana Simovic
Teresa Filice
Joseph Filpi
Greg Filpus
Dr. Marc R. Filstein, EIS '77
Alyssa Filuta
Melanie Finch
Peggy Finch
Rosemary Finch
Deborah Fineman
Mr. Harold Fink
Karren Fink
Stuart Fink
Jonathan Finke
Teresa Finlayson
Christy Finn
Patrick Finn
Brian Finney
Natalie Fiore
Mike Firesheets
Mimi Firestein
Douglas Firestone
Kendra Firminger
Rachel Fischer
Richard Fischer
Fischkoff Family Charitable Fund
Angela Fish
Mr. Justin Fishbone
Adrienne Fisher
David Fisher
JJ-ML Fisher
John Fisher
Keiren Fisher
Laura Fisher
Linda Fishman
Jack Fishstrom
Lisa Fitch
Shannon Fitch
Kaitlyn Fitz
AnnMarie FitzGerald
Veronica Fitzgerald
Ian Fitzpatrick
Marna Fitzpatrick
Ciara Flaherty
Marshall Flake
Andrea Flamini
Claire Flanagan
Dan Flanagan
Kathleen Flanagan
Pam Flanders
Carl Flanigan
Devon Flarity
Beth Fleck
Mary Fleet
Gail R. Fleischaker
Ian Fleischer
J. D. Fletcher
Erika Flink
Emily Flint
Joshua Flood
Acacia Flores
Bee Flores
Elizabeth Flores
Jessica Flores
Neil Flores
Soliel Marianne Flores
Tessa Sage Flores
Thomas Flounders
Justin Flowers
Phyona Flowers
Patti Floyd