Individual Donors

Fiscal Year Report to Donors

Thank you for being a part of the CDC Foundation's critical, lifesaving work. Together, we are creating healthy communities. We celebrate you, our donors and the impact of our public health partners, who are making a difference across the globe.

You can use the “Search All Donors” button at the top to find your name in the report.

  Contributor of five or more consecutive years


Stacy Blumenthal Leff
Consuelo Leffler
Lisa B. Leffler
Mary Lefkowitz
Joyce Leger
John Legg
Tony Leggio
Drs. Jean and David Lehman
Kristen Lehman
Molly Lehman
John Lehnherr
Aiden Lehr
Joshua Lehrer
Jon Leiberman
Rachel Leibovitz
Ilanit Leibowitz
Matthew Leiter
Jordan Leith
Karla Leiva
David Lem
Kim LeMaitre
Robert and Janice Lenehan
Scott Lenet
Ning Leng
Adrianna Lenz
Deborah Lenz
Mariana León
Elise Leonard
John Leonard
Jay Leone
Dmitri Leonov
Chase Lepard
Michelle Lepherd
David Lerner
Nancy Leroy
Sanguan Lertthirasoontorn
Nancy Lesch
Gus Lesnevich
Robert Lesnick
Nathalie Lessage
Carolyn Lesser
Saul Lessler
Donnel Lester
Laurence Letich
Penny Leto
Bob Letourneau
Solomon Leung
Vivian Hsiao-Ching Leung, MD, EIS '16
David Levenson
Alexander Leventhal
Richard Leventhal
Dr. Albert Levin
Andrew Levin
Gayle Levin
Harriet Levin
Kim Levin
Lisa Levin
Matt Levin
Michelle Levin
Miriam Levin
Robert Levin
Ruth Levin
Seth Levin
Sonni Levin
Susanna Levin
Alice Levine
Mr. Daniel Levine
Dr. Jay Levine
Jennifer Levine
Kenneth Levine
Marcia Levine
Martin and Ellen Levine
Myron Levine, MD, DTPH, EIS '70 and Suzanne Levine
Dr. Rebecca Levine
Dr. Robert J. Levine
Robin Levine
Wendy LeVine
Michal Levison
Elaine Levitt
Keith Levitt
Levleit Family
Barry Levy, MD, MPH, EIS '73 and Nancy Levy
Joel and Ellen Levy
Jill Levy
Nicole Levy
Randy Levy
The Levy Family
Ms. Jayne Levy Carol
Tim Lewandowski
Nicholas Lewin-Koh
Rachel Lewine
Aaron Lewis
Bee Lewis
Camille Lewis
Clare Lewis
Edward Lewis
Jane and Jay Lewis
Jason Lewis
Jennifer Lewis
Jess Lewis