Individual Donors

Fiscal Year Report to Donors

Thank you for being a part of the CDC Foundation's critical, lifesaving work. Together, we are creating healthy communities. We celebrate you, our donors and the impact of our public health partners, who are making a difference across the globe.

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  Contributor of five or more consecutive years


Ruth Shults, PhD, MPH, EIS '90 and Charlie Bradley / Joint Giving Fund
Ms. Anna Shuster
Sidenblad Donor Fund
Drs. Peggy Sieburth and Gregory Danyluk
Beverly Siegel
Jordan and Leslie Sigale
Linda Sigman
Karen Siladi
Silvia R. Silins
Drs. Lester Sills and Karen Sokol / Healing Dove Giving Fund
Mario Silney
Zachary Silver
Willie Simmons
Andrew and Gail Simon
Frances B. and Robert H. Simon
Sala and Ira Simonds
Kathleen E. Simons
Dr. Bill and Elaine Simpson
Dr. Tracy Singer
Dr. Brajendra Kumar Singh
Mona Singh
Mr. Sangharsh Singh
Dr. Tushar Singh, EIS '14
Linda Sinnett
Stephen P. and Betty M. Sissom
Dan Sisson
Kevin and Denise Skalsky Cavanagh / Cavanagh Skalsky Giving Fund
Martin D. Skinner, MD, EIS '68 and Julie Swanson Skinner
Julie and Lee Skipper
Bernard and Sally Sklar / Bernard and Sally Sklar Charitable Fund
Steven and Susan Sklar
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Slavick
Katrina Sleeman
Mr. Jeff S. Sleppy
Mr. Mitchel Slomiak
Michael and Judith Smathers / Smathers Giving Fund
Beverly Smith
Christy Smith
Darien N. Smith
Janet Smith
Jody Smith
Jordyn Smith
Mrs. Judith Connor Smith
Ms. Julia Y. Smith
Mr. Kyle Ellington George Smith
Lauren A. Smith, MD, MPH
Lois Smith
Nicole Smith, PhD, MPH, MPP, EIS '01 and Steve Bice
Dr. Perry F. Smith, EIS '85 and Ms. RoseAnne Fogarty / Smith-Fogarty Charitable Fund
Shavone Jacquelyn Smith
Sue Smith
Susan Smith
Mr. Warren D. Snaider
Dixie E. Snider Jr., MD, MPH and Frances Snider
Pam Snook
Barbara and Gordon Snyder
Theodore C. Snyder
Ms. Wendy Snyder
Brian So
Jose Soares
Lisa Sock
Robert Soderstrom
Samir Sodha
Lisa Sohn
Joel Soisson
Mr. Paul Sojka
Dr. David Sokal, EIS '78
Ms. Lynn A. Sokler
Melissa Soliz-Johns
Rear Admiral Steven Solomon, MD, EIS '81 and Bess Irene Miller, MD, EIS '81
Mr. David Soltysik
Mr. Senthilnathan Somasundaram
Mrs. Angela G. Somers
Mrs. Qiujing Song-Gu
Frank C. and Dianne M. Sonsini
Karsten Sorensen
Jennifer Sorenson
Faye E. Sorhage, VMD, MPH, EIS '83
Steven Soria
Mrs. Jackilyn Soslow
Julio Soto
Sandra W. Soule
Mrs. Aimee Lynn Spader
Warren Spaeth
Robert Spangler
Jeff Spann
Themistocles and Christine Sparangis
Dr. Jay and Barbara Spector
Judith Bennett Spencer
Nickey Spencer
Annette Spendel
Dr. Michael Sperling
Patricia Sperti
Marc and Delia Spiegelman
Ms. Jamie A. Spiegle / Jamie Spiegle Donor Advised Fund
Todd Spina
Stanley and Marianne Spinola / Stanley & Marianne Spinola Living Trust
Ms. Nora Springstubb
Victoria Squier
Padmini Srikantiah, MD, EIS '01