Combined Federal Campaign

Fiscal Year Report to Donors

Federal employees can participate in the Combined Federal Campaign, an annual workplace charity campaign. Thanks for choosing the CDC Foundation to support with your gift.

  Contributor of five or more consecutive years


Diane M. Beistle
Cara C. Burns, PhD
Sheila N. Fehrenbach
Judy M. Gantt
Eric K. Gogstad
Maryam B. Haddad, PhD, MPH, MSN, EIS '01 and Paul Sanders
Robert Hutchinson
Barbara Klees
Gregory LaRocca
Phillip Love
Mehran S. Massoudi, PhD, MPH, EIS '94
Yasmin Mazloomdoost
Patricia McNaney
Greg Sells
Theresa A. Sipe, PhD, MPH and George Sipe
Bob Vollinger
Sarah E. Wiley and Ed Wiley