Honoring Our Public Health Heroes Who Protect Us All

A hero is every public health professional in communities across America working to protect our country’s health and safety. They are public health department professionals offering essential health and wellbeing services. They are first responders who rush to the aid of individuals and communities in times of emergency. They are epidemiologists, data analysts, microbiologists, lab technicians, health communication experts and more.

Because of their tireless efforts, our nation is working to eliminate health disparities and create vibrant and resilient communities where everyone can thrive and live their healthiest lives.

We see you. We appreciate you. And we thank you.


Please join us in showing gratitude. You can leave a note of thanks to the many health professionals who are working behind the scenes and on the front lines.

Use this form to leave a note of thanks. You can share a general thank you message or even mention a specific group who has made an impact. Providing your full name is optional or you can just leave a first name. Messages will be curated and highlights will be shared on our website, and select messages will be shared on our social media channels.

Thank you for your support! Together our impact is greater.


Thank You Messages

Thank you for your bravery and dedication.
Carolyn Branson
What I admire most about my Heroes at the CDC, is that you are unshaken by attempts to undermine you. Thank you for your kind attention and dedication.
Michael Mitchell
Good Public Health workers are always in the background and usually out of mind. COVID-19 has shown that those of us that work in Public Health are vital to various communities across the globe! We all must work together, combining our talents and resources to ensure a brighter future for all and especially the generations that follow us. Thank you, Public Health workers!
Chicago, IL
Thanks for all your support! From a county health department Public Health Nurse.
Teri Medige
Buffalo, NY
You are the gentle warriors who are protecting us at this time of fear, chaos, and danger. You are the protectors of our society as a whole. We thank you all and are grateful for your courage and your work.
BettyJean Wochinski
Ocala, Florida
WE all see how you go to work every day, putting yourself at great risk, to save or help people you don't even know, There are no words adequate to describe the gratitude and admiration we have for you. Thank you and God watch over you.
No words to truly express my gratitude for your commitment to humanity.
Stay safe
Thanks for all you do! As a retired nurse I can appreciate your commitment to healthcare. Your work is valued and so are YOU!
Mary Jo Burgoyne
Thank you so much for your ensuring service to the nation.
Ivory Crampton
Thanks for being there when we need you. Thanks for doing your best to help us heal. Thanks for holding our hands when we are afraid.
Bronx, NYC
Thank you so much for what you do every day to help us all by caring for those of us who have been infected. I can only imagine how hard it must be sometimes, and I appreciate most of all your commitment to continue throughout the difficulties so that we can be cared for.
Berkeley, CA
Because of necessary surgery we recently had a great deal of contact with medical and hospital personnel. You are definitely our heroes out there on the front lines serving others. Thank you for your service.
Tom Stankosky
Meredith, NH
Thank you for putting your health and safety on the line for mine!
You bring tears to my eyes often. These are tears that wash my spirits with gratitude and admiration. Your selflessness and efforts are gifts beyond reckoning for the world. Thank you!
Tamara Rogers
Minnetonka Minnesota
We honor you, we appreciate you and pray continuously for your safety
Bettye Muwwakkil, PhD
Thank you for your tireless work under these exhausting circumstances. You truly are heroes.
Al Moritz
Salem, MA
Ever indebted to you. Thank You for your sacrifice, love and compassion.
Debby Mayberry Jensen
Kirkland WA
On a normal day, we could hardly find the words to thank you for the care and concern you show your patients. During this extraordinary time, words could never be sufficient! You are role models, you are heroes, you are the best of us. And we appreciate you in ways we can hardly express.
Philadelphia PA
Thanks so much for all that you are doing. May you have the strength to carry on.
Judih Barton
Chapel Hill, NC
Amidst the lack of information, uncertainty and fear we have been able to rely on you and others on the front line. I am grateful for your commitment and service.
Penelope Carter
Rochester, NY
Thank you PH Officials for doing what you do and it makes me proud to be a part of your team
As a CDC Foundation board member, I am in awe of your dedication and drive—not only in fighting COVID, but for the many other public health challenges we face—thanks you for all that you do!
Matt James
Portola Valley
Thank you so much for your commitment to public health and safety! We are so lucky to have so many dedicated public health heroes among us. Your efforts make this a better world.
Susanne S.
Atlanta, GA
We really appreciate all the work you do to keep us safe! Thanks and keep it up ???
Thank you
Denise Moore
Jacksonville, FL
Thank you for your service. It is an honor to support the work of our unsung public health heroes!
Monica Thornton
Atlanta, Georgia
Thank you for being there for us, night and day. Thank you for the passion and dedication you are bringing to the fight to get us through this pandemic. Those of us that see you and know how hard you are working, and how hard it is—emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically—ours are not always the loudest voices. I hope this changes that and that you hear us saying how deeply you are appreciated. We rely on you, and are so grateful to have you fighting for us.
Atlanta, Georgia
Many thanks to the thousands of public health workers at the federal, territorial, state, tribal and local levels throughout the nation. Your work is always important but has never been as challenging as it is now. Stay strong and keep up the great work. We are counting on you.
Julie Morita
Chicago, Illinois
Thank you for always standing on the frontlines to keep me and my family safe from public health threats. We as Americans owe our public health professionals a sincere debt of gratitude and your tireless work doing Covid-19 will etch your place favorably in our country's history books.
Robert Jennings
To our public health heroes: Most people don't know you're there until they see how you care, and what that care—the work you do—means to their lives and those of their loved ones. Public health often goes unnoticed but during COVID-19 it couldn't be more visible and vital.
Kristine Smith
Special shout out to the public health epidemiologists and lab scientists who are not visible in all of this but we all rely on day in and day out. We depend on your data and expertise to make decisions and be confident in when to take action. Thank you for continuing to show up!! We value your work and thank you for all you are doing.
Avia Mason
Durham, NC
Thank you for your incredible service and dedication to keeping us well and safe. From those behind the scenes, to the front line workers, you are our heroes and leaders. Thank you for being you, and providing hope and inspiration in this world. Much love and respect.
Tim Hughes
Washington, DC
I want to shout out the amazing Public Health Officials at the local and state level who are leading the way for us through such a difficult time. They humbly sacrifice so much and do it to ensure the health and wellbeing of their communities. We appreciate your dedication and all that you are doing to keep us all as safe as possible!!!
Avia Mason
Durham, NC
Thank you for the unseen ways you keep communities safe and healthy! We appreciate you!
Greenville, SC
Thank you for being the beacon of evidence-based information and action in this worldwide turbulent storm. The country is safer and more secure because of your tireless work.
Daphne Delgado
Miami, FL
A huge thank you to all of our public health heroes working 24/7 to keep Americans safe and healthy. You are true inspirations!
C. Stinson
Roswell, GA
Thank you to all the public health heroes all over the world! I am so grateful and humbled by the sacrifices that each of you make everyday to keep our nation and the world safe and healthy. As true heroes, you are now always seen and thanked, but we want to say that we see you and appreciate you!
Rachna Chandora
Atlanta, GA
THANK YOU first responders, public health workers, heroes and officials for your commitment to protect the people of the nation from the spread of the coronavirus. You are appreciated and valued. The hard work along with your dedication is not unseen and the ongoing prayers are abundant. Continue to be a light in the face of adversity!
Loree T
Atlanta, GA
Thank you for all you do keeping us safe. Your professionalism is extraordinary and your science is the best in the world.
Georges C. Benjamin, MD
Washington DC
Thank you for your dedication and your commitment to protecting the health and improving the quality of life for all people. We value you and we appreciate you!
Lola Oguntomilade
Atlanta, GA
Thank you to all the public health heroes working around the clock to support our nation. We can only imagine the sacrifices made to make an impact during this pandemic and we are truly grateful for all that you do everyday.
T. Sidibe
Lilburn, GA
Thanks to all the public health heroes out there who work tirelessly, day in and day out, to protect us and keep us safe. You may not always be in the spotlight, but it's high time you come out from behind the curtain and take your bows! We are so grateful for everything you do. Keep on keeping on!
Helene E.
Words cannot begin to express the amount of gratitude that I have for public health professionals working to curb the spread of COVID-19 and devastation it is causing among our communities. Public health is often behind the scenes work, but I want you to know that I see and hear the effects of your hard work in my daily life. Thank you so much for all that you are doing, and keep up the awesome work!!
Heroes are truly what public health professionals are! Thank you for your unwavering service and hard work during these times. I am so appreciative for all that you do!
Ramot A.
Atlanta, GA
The silver lining of the pandemic has been seeing the sacrifices our public health heroes make every day, around the clock, to protect us all! I am in awe of the risks you take, and the sacrifices you make, even under the most difficult circumstances. Thanks for all that you do behind the scenes to make the world safer and healthier for everyone.
Lisa S
Decatur, GA
Thank YOU for all that you do! I'm incredibly grateful that you are all as strong and brave as you are. You are the real HEROES!!
Sylvia Brooks
Atlanta, GA
Thank you to the public health workers both on the frontlines and behind the scenes who are working tirelessly to keep all of us safe! While so much of your work and sacrifice may go unnoticed, your incredible impact is immeasurable and can be seen every day.
Candace Wheeler
Atlanta, GA
Thanks so much to all of the men and women working diligently in health departments at the national, state and local levels across America to protect us from COVID-19 and all of the other health threats we face. Our nation appreciates the difficult job you have and your professionalism and dedication to your work—and to all of us. Thanks!
D Nelson