The Mahoney Society

Fiscal Year Report to Donors

Thank you to our donors who supported our lifesaving work. The CDC Foundation board of directors created The Margaret Ellerbe Mahoney Society in 1998 to honor Ms. Mahoney for her service to the board and her vital support of Foundation initiatives since its inception. Widely respected in philanthropic circles as the “Grande Dame” of philanthropy, she devoted her career to working with philanthropies focused on health, education, arts and the humanities. She worked in key roles at the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and The Commonwealth Fund. Ms. Mahoney was a strong advocate of the CDC Foundation until her passing in 2011. The Margaret Ellerbe Mahoney Society recognizes leadership donors who have given $1,000 or more in gifts or in-kind services during the year. Learn more about the benefits of joining the Mahoney Society.

You can use the “Search All Donors” button at the top to find your name in the report.

  Contributor of five or more consecutive years

Champions ($10,000+)

Elvira L. Baez
Brooks Bell / The Bell Lipson Impact Fund
Elaine and John Chambers / The Chambers Family Foundation
Mr. Gary M. Cohen / Gary and Lori Cohen Charitable Fund
David E. Dassey, MD
Neil de Crescenzo and Brenda Reilly
Leah McCall Devlin, DDS, MPH
The Estate of Nancy S. Droste
Peter Drotman, MD, MPH, EIS '79 and Carolyn Arakaki
Samantha K. Garbus and Bryan Robinson / S. Garbus Fund
Gregory and Barbe Helwig
Mr. W. Barrett Howell II / The Howell Fund
Individual Contributor (4)
Mr. Philip I. Kent / Philip I. Kent Charitable Fund
Robert Litterman / Litterman Family Foundation
James Marks, MD, MPH, EIS '76 and Judith Marks / Marks Family Fund
Melissa McPheeters
Mr. Charles H. McTier and Mrs. Margaret R. McTier / Special Fund No. 9
Mr. Michael Melneck
Marguerite Pappaioanou, DVM, PhD, EIS '83
Frederic Elijah Shaw, MD, JD, EIS '83 and Judy K. Kruger, PhD, MS, EIS '01 / Shaw Charitable Fund
Mrs. Carol Ann Tobiassen and Mr. Thomas Tobiassen / Tom and Carol Tobiassen Giving Account
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Wilson / The Wilson Family Foundation
Mr. Robert A. Yellowlees / Yellowlees Family Fund

Ambassadors ($5,000-$9,999)

Mr. and Mrs. David S. Aldridge
Ms. Sherri A. Berger
Rob and Joan Blackman / Robert and Joan Blackman Family Foundation
Ms. Laura H. Boland
John W. Brown
Joanna Buffington, MD, MPH, EIS '90
Laura and Philip Croft
E. Nicole Horrigan / Horrigan 2019 Article IV Trust
Individual Contributors (4)
Phil and Jenny Jacobs / Jacobs Family Fund
Kristen J. Kanack / Kristen J. Kanack Fund
The Katharopoulos Family
David R. Kotok and Sharon Kotok / Kotok Family Charitable Fund
Bernadette Loftus / Dr. Marty McKenzie Memorial Charitable Fund
Evelyn V. McKnight, AuD and Thomas A. McKnight, MD
T. Alex McKnight, MD
Mr. Bernard J. Milano / Pierson Milano Family Fund
Gary R. Noble, MD, MPH, EIS '65
Richard M. Norwalk and Laura Norwalk
Joan H. Schott and Brian Schott
Rear Admiral Anne Schuchat, MD, EIS '88
The Urmson Family
The Waterman and Glicksteen Families / Waterman Family Giving Fund

Accelerators ($2,500-$4,999)

Wanda D. Barfield-Somers, MD, MPH, EIS '00
Dr. Tony DeLucia
Walter Dowdle, PhD, EIS '91 and Mabel Dowdle
Karen Wolk Feinstein, PhD
Diane I. Flynn / Diane and John Flynn Family Charitable Fund
Shirley C. Franklin / Franklin Giving Fund
Susan Griswold / Griswold Giving Fund
Larry M. Hutchinson
Individual Contributor (1)
Eugene Lin
Dr. David G. McGowan / David G. McGowan Charitable Fund
John E. McGowan Jr., MD, EIS '69 and Linda Kay McGowan
Edwin L. Meyer and Janet Meyer
Drs. Judith A. Monroe and Robert M. Lubitz ^ / Lubitz / Monroe Charitable Fund
Sheri Moores
Dr. Trudy Murphy
Anand Parekh
Robert Peirson / Peirson Giving Fund
Mr. Peter C. Richard and Mrs. Trudi Richardson
David Satcher, MD, PhD
Lauren A. Smith, MD, MPH
Maria Thacker Goethe
Susan C. Trock, DVM, EIS '87 and Kay Wheeler^
Susan Young

Advocates ($1,000-$2,499)

Dr. Pamela M. Aaltonen
Daniel C. Abbas and Elizabeth Abbas
Ms. Emily Adams
Sean Allen and Jaime Marino
Dionicio Avila
Jason Bau
Raymond J. Baxter, PhD
Dr. Michael Beller, EIS '87
Zachary Benson
Dr. Gus S. Birkhead, EIS '85
Richard and Sandra Bowers
Katharine D. Bremer and Alan Bremer / Kathy and Alan Bremer Charitable Fund
Faye T. Bresler, MD, MPH, EIS '91 / The Bresler Tzedakah Fund, Inc.
Rachel N. Bronzan, MD, MPH, EIS '00
Mr. Peter Buffington
Michael and Margaret Butler / Butler Giving Fund
Richard and Sharon Campolucci
Drs. Hong-Gen Chen and Ke Wu / Green Mountain Foundation
Dr. Shilpa P. Chetty and Mr. Iyanrick John
Joan P. Cioffi, PhD
Stephen L. Cochi, MD, MPH, EIS '82 and Jane Skvarich
Miss Evelyn A. Connally
José F. Cordero, MD, MPH, EIS '79 and Mili Cordero
Lucy E. Davidson, MD, EdS, EIS '84
Lawrence and Lois Deckelbaum / Larry and Lois Deckelbaum Charitable Fund
Continuum Services LLC
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Down
Peter Dull, MD, EIS '00 / Judith Tsui and Peter Dull Charitable Family Fund
Ms. Rachael Lynn Edwards
T. Grace Emori-Elder, RN, MS, EIS '74
Barbara Florack
Luz M. Fortes Thacker
Dr. Michelle C. Fox
Reverend Robert M. Franklin, PhD
Jack and JoAnn Fruchtman / JoAnn and Jack Fruchtman Fund
Mary B. Galardi / Mary B. Galardi Charitable Fund
Steven K. Galson, MD, MPH, EIS '86 and Jessie Galson
Lytt I. Gardner Jr. and Alva Maria Edmondson
Benjamin T. Garnett / Ben Garnett Charitable Fund
James Gelman
Alvin and Joyce Glasgold
Dr. Stephen C. Hadler, EIS '77 and Ms. Claudia Fedarko
George E. Hardy, MD, MPH, EIS '66
Mr. Jeff F. Herring / Jeff F. Herring Foundation
Mr. Edward Hirst
Hal and Carol Hoffman
Andrew and Caroline Huddart
Individual Contributors (15)
Robin M. Ikeda, MD, MPH, EIS '91
Kathleen L. Irwin, MD, MPH, EIS '84
Sarah Ann Jackson and Arthur Craft Jackson
Dr. Robert S. Janssen, EIS '85
Carol G. Kanner / Frederick & Carol Kanner Charitable Fund
The Kastango Family / Kastango Family Charitable Fund
Ann Marie Kimball, MD, MPH, EIS '77
Jeffrey Koplan, MD, MPH, EIS '72 and Carol Koplan, MD / Jeffrey and Carol Koplan Family Fund
Lorraine Kumpf / Lorraine E. Kumpf Giving Account
Makoe Lavoe
Herschel W. Lawson, MD, EIS '88
Dr. Edie R. Lederman, EIS '05 and Mr. Scott Storms
Jason Lee and Stacy Branham
Kevin Lerman / Lerman Giving Fund
Barbara Levitas / Barbara & Elliott Levitas Family Philanthropic Fund
Deborah A. Levy, PhD, MPH, EIS '96
Dr. Jerome M. Loew and Jan Loew
Biruta A. Lowther
Dr. Hugh M. Mainzer, EIS '92 and Jill Jarecki Mainzer
Derek Mantey
John J. Martin
Grace E. Marx, MD, MPH, EIS '16
Mehran S. Massoudi, PhD, MPH, EIS '94
Goran Matijasevic
Caroline McCabe
W. Paul McKinney, MD, EIS '81 and Karen McKinney
Drs. Russell M. Medford and Margaret K. Offermann
Doug W. Nelson and Linda Nelson
Pierce and Catherine Nelson
Dr. Sandra B. Nichols, FAAFP, MHCDS, MS
Asher Novick and Kim Cabo Chan
Margaret J. Oxtoby, MD, EIS '84 and Cesar E. Silva
Carl B. Page / The Carl Victor Page Memorial Fund
Mr. David Paget
Dr. Mark A. Pallansch
Arvind Parthasarathi
Nitinkumar Patel / N. & S. Patel Family Giving Fund
Robert and Terri Patterson / Patterson Family Fund
Francisco Peebles
Timothy J. Petersen, PhD and Janet Petersen
John Phillips / Phillips Family Charitable Fund
Amelie G. Ramirez and David Ramirez
Arthur Rangel and Robin Kokemor Rangel / Kokemor-Rangel Charitable Fund
Mr. Leonard W. Rappe
Betsy Rebar Sell
Mr. Marc W. Rindner and Ms. Younjee Kim / RKR Charitable Fund
Mrs. Pamela T. Roesch
Dr. Robert C. Schmidt, EIS '65 / Schmidt Family Charitable Fund
Rand and Mary Ellen Scullard
Clifford J. Sells, MD, EIS '64 and Linda C. Larson / Sells Larson Family Fund
Dr. C. G. and Mrs. Julie W. Sevastopoulos / C. G. and Julie W. Sevastopoulos Giving Fund
David C. Shih, MD, MS, EIS '16
Henry R. Shinefield, MD, EIS '51 and Jacqueline Shinefield
Marsha F. Shrago
Mrs. Betsy Shultis / Shultis Charitable Fund
Susan C. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. C. Charles Stokes
Martha and Robert Supnik
Gregg C. Sylvester, MD, MPH, EIS '90 and Lisa Vague Sylvester / Sylvester Family Fund
Richard Szeliski and Lyn McCoy / Szeliski and McCoy Giving Fund
Ross and Elizabeth Taylor / Taylored Giving Fund
Dean Ujihara / Dean Ujihara Charitable Fund
Ellen Ullman
Melissa Van Dyke, PhD, MPH, EIS '06
Reuben K. Varghese, MD, MPH, EIS '00
Dr. Richard L. Vogt, EIS '77 and Ms. Suzanne Clark / Vogt Family Fund
Mark Volker
Virginia H. Wang
Lincoln D. Weed
Sybil A. Wellstood
Denise Wernikoff
Marianna Wilson
P. Tucker Withington