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Marge and Bill Watson Endowment for the William C. Watson Jr. Medal of Excellence

William C. Watson Jr.
Medal of Excellence Winners

Martin Cetron, MD

Stephan Monroe, PhD

James Mercy

S. Patrick Kachur

Patrick Lammie

John Nkengasong

Frank Mahoney

Deborah Birx, MD

Elias Durry, MD, MPH

Mark L. Eberhard

Barry Fields, PhD


Myron G. Shultz, MD

Russell L. Regnery, PhD

Capt. Polly A. Marchbanks, PhD
Capt. Eugene McCray, MD

Kevin M. DeCock, MD
Linda Saltzman, PhD

Michael Parvin

Suzianne Binder, MD
Joseph R. Carter
Richard A. Goodman, MD, JD, MPH
Charles A. Schable

Martha Katz

Kathy Cahill
Ross C. Cox
Dennis L. McDowell
Eric J. Sampson, PhD

William L. Atkinson, MD, MPH
William E. Collins, PhD, MS
Andrew G. Dean, MD, MPH
Deborah L. Jones

Don J. Brenner, PhD
Karen L. Foster
Robert A. Keegan
Thomas E. Starcher


Patricia B. Brown
Edith A. Hambi, MS
Patrick J. McCannon, MPH
Gary R. West, MPA

Godfrey P. Oakley Jr., MD

James Virgil Peavy
Dixie E. Snider Jr., MD, MPH
Jack N. Spencer

William D. Adams
Edgar M. Biel
Henry Falk, MD, MPH
Gordon E. Robbins
Wilmon R. Rushing
Stephen B. Thacker, MD, MSc.

Barbara R. Holloway
Philip R. Horne
William C. Parra

J. Brian Dugan
Alan R. Hinman, MD, MPH

Virginia S. Bales
Joseph H. Blount
John F. Finklea, MD, MPH
Elvin R. Hilyer, Jr.
Robert L. Kaiser, MD

George E. Hardy Jr., MD, MPH
Arthur C. Jackson
Alma M. Murlin
Alice R. Ring, MD, MPH

Stanley O. Foster, MD, MPH
Vernon N. Houk, MD
Joseph E. McDade PhD

Libero Ajello, PhD
Donald L. Eddins
William A. Shepard


Gerald R. Cooper, MD
Elizabeth F. Hunter
Albert R. Martin
Anthony M. Scardaci

Edwina B. Davis
Joe H. Miller
Larry W. Sparks

James W. Curran, MD, MPH
James W. Hicks
Robert S. Hutchings
Gene W. Matthews

Norman W. Axnick
J. Lyle Conrad, MD, MPH
Roy L. Davis
Betty E. McGrew

Windell R. Bradford
Michael B. Gregg, MD
Billy G. Griggs
Dorothy Mae Melvin, PhD

Glenda S. Cowart
Ira T. Layfield
Franklin R. Miller
Carl W. Tyler Jr., MD

John V. Bennett, MD
Robert L. Mayes
Norma P. Gibbs
Donald R. Hopkins, MD

Harvey F. Davis
Dary R. Noble, MD
Ann H. Wiman

David Atkins
William B. Cherry, PhD
Ladene H. Newton
Claude F. Pickelsimer Jr.

Winthrop N. Davey, MD
Mary G. Morland
Johannes Stuart, PhD


Charles W. Health, Jr., MD

Walter R. Dowdle, PhD
Eugene J. Gangarosa, MD

J. Donald Millar, MD
Charles C. Shepard, MD

Watson Medal

The William C. Watson Jr. Medal of Excellence is the highest honor bestowed by CDC.

This award was originally called the CDC Medal of Excellence and was renamed when Bill Watson retired from his post as CDC’s deputy director. It recognizes extraordinary employees who consistently strive for and achieve superior scientific and technical results.

Bill Watson, who passed away in 2013, served CDC for 36 years and embodied the leadership and problem-solving qualities that are hallmarks of the agency today. The award honors scientific research and activities that have affected the past, present, and future enhancement of CDC and its mission.

Bill and his wife, Marge, who passed away in 2007, were so passionate about public health and recognizing the notable achievements of CDC employees that they established the Marge and Bill Watson Endowment at the CDC Foundation to support the activities of this award.

Watson Medal of Excellence
United States of America
To provide an annual service award to a CDC employee for outstanding achievements.The CDC Medal of Excellence was established in 1977 as the premiere service award for CDC employees and was renamed for William Watson in 1985 on the occasion of his retirement from CDC. In 1999, Marge and William Watson established the Watson Endowment, which provides permanent funding for a cash award to be given by the Foundation to recipients of the Watson Medal of Excellence each year.
Established by Marge and Bill Watson and supported by multiple individuals and organizations
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Louise Martin, DVM, MS, EIS '85 Endowed Memorial Scholarship

Louise & Scout Jr
Louise Martin and her son
Starehe girls
Starehe girls
Ann Chege
Ann Chege

Supporting Girls' Education in Kenya

Mary Louise Martin, DVM, MS, EIS ‘85, dedicated her life to improving the lives of children. As a scientist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Martin conducted research on birth defects and developmental problems, focusing on fetal alcohol syndrome. Later, as a public health advocate, she worked to ensure anti-malarial drugs were available in low-income countries to help prevent suffering and death for the world's at-risk children. She was among the 12 Americans and more than 200 Kenyans who lost their lives when a terrorist bomb exploded at the American Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya on August 7, 1998. In 1999, to honor her memory and passion for girls’ education, family, friends and colleagues established the Louise Martin, DVM, MS, EIS ‘85 Memorial Scholarship Endowment. The endowed fund guarantees that at least 15 disadvantaged Kenyan girls each year will receive a scholarship to attend Starehe Girls’ Centre, a high school. The number of scholarships provided each year will only grow with time and support.

At Starehe Girls’ Centre, students learn traditional academic subjects such as Biology and Mathematics, as well as professional skills such as debate. The school motto, Our Education, Our Strength (Elimu Yetu, Nguvu Yetu), reflects a spirit of academic excellence, which can be seen in the remarkable record of achievement among its students. About 95% of Starehe graduates have attended university since 2008. In 2022, 83% of Starehe graduates were admitted to public universities, while the remaining 17% qualified to join technical institutions. These statistics are more remarkable considering that all students attending Starehe come from economically challenged backgrounds.

Starehe does not charge fees for a majority of its students. To pay their way, the school seeks scholarships from sources like the Louise Martin Endowed Memorial Scholarship. The average cost for one girl’s scholarship is about $635 annually. Since its inception, the scholarship has sponsored 23 girls through four years of secondary school, giving them the educational foundation needed for a successful future. Gifts from generous supporters of the endowment have increased its impact, bringing the number of annual scholarships from the initial 3, to 6, to 10 and 15 beginning in 2022.

Beyond just a diploma, educated women in Kenya are more likely to have higher paying jobs, an improved standard of living, reduced infant and maternal mortality, increased life expectancy, improved status in the family and the community, higher self-esteem and an increased knowledge of individual rights.

Though the future seems far away for 18-year-old scholarship recipient Ann Chege, she sees her education as a ticket to endless possibilities. Eager to learn, with varied interests in English, geography and biology, she is, like many in Kenya, still powerfully connected to her home and the people she left behind when she came to Starehe.

Says Chege, “I can work anywhere in the country, but I would like to go home to help people in my area who do not have an education. They encourage me to succeed because they see me now as someone who can help make a difference.”

Please honor Louise and her passion for girls’ education, while making a difference in the lives of Kenya’s next generation of scholars. Make a gift to the Louise Martin Memorial Scholarship Endowment today.

Starehe Girls’ Centre
Louise Martin Memorial Scholarship
When a terrorist bomb exploded at the American Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya on August 7, 1998, Mary Louise Martin was among the 12 Americans and more than 200 Kenyans killed. In her memory, friends and colleagues established the Louise Martin, DVM, MS, EIS '85 Memorial Scholarship Endowment to provide scholarships for disadvantaged young women in Kenya to attend a national school.
Battelle; Walter R. Dowdle, Ph.D., EIS Hon. '91; Taskforce for Global Health; multiple individuals and organizations
CDC's Center for Global Health
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Supporting Girls' Education in Kenya
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