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Katherine Lyon Daniel Award for Integrity in Communication

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) mission and vision have always rested on the communication of accurate scientific information to benefit the public's health, in the United States and around the world. CDC's communication principles include the importance of science-based, timely, accurate, respectful, credible and consistent information.

The Katherine Lyon Daniel Award for Integrity in Communication honors the work of Katherine Lyon Daniel, PhD, who led various communications and leadership functions for CDC, including associate director of communication and deputy associate director of communication. She also served as deputy director for the National Center for Health Marketing and was associate deputy director for Public Health Service and Implementation Science. This award developed in honor of her retirement will be given annually to one mid- to senior-level CDC employee who has demonstrated integrity consistent with the CDC communication principles, often applied in challenging, high-pressure or emergency situations. This award will be announced at the annual CDC Honor Awards ceremony.

“The best communication is aligned with principle and delivered with compassion. Doing the right thing with kindness, empathy and a sense of humor, has always been my goal. The CDC Foundation, with its trusted voice and spirit of supporting the stories of public health on the front lines, is a great partner for this recognition of integrity in communication. I am so pleased to work with them on this award for CDC employees who embody these values.”

– Katherine Lyon Daniel, PhD



Katherine Lyon Daniel, PhD

Your contribution will enable the CDC Foundation to award the Katherine Lyon Daniel Award for Integrity in Communication to a CDC employee who has demonstrated integrity consistent with the CDC's communication principles, often applied in challenging, high-pressure or emergency situations. 


Katherine Lyon Daniel Award for Integrity in Communication
United States of America
To recognize a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention employee who has demonstrated integrity consistent with CDC communication principles, often applied in challenging, high-pressure or emergency situations.
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