To expand the reach of Hear Her resources for healthcare professionals and American Indian and Alaska Native communities in the United States and conduct exploratory formative work to determine the feasibility of a new segment of the campaign to reach a global audience.
To support maternal-infant health COVID-19 surveillance as well as to integrate COVID-19 vaccination and other efforts to reduce severe illness from COVID-19 with the CDC strategic areas of focus.
To facilitate collaborative development of a newborn bloodspot screening test to detect the genetic lesions that cause spinal muscular atrophy. The test will be designed to use in public health newborn screening laboratories.
To build state capacity within the existing jurisdiction-based maternal mortality review committee infrastructure to review and prevent overdose deaths during and after pregnancy.
To build capacity and provide field support for maternal-infant health (MIH) efforts by enhancing training and technical assistance resources that support organizations such as perinatal quality collaboratives (PQCs) to improve quality care.
To accelerate innovation and extend impact on community-based actions emphasizing cardiovascular conditions and other leading causes of maternal mortality.
To help CDC increase understanding of the effectiveness of using maternal tenofovir containing combination drug during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and HBV in co-infected mothers.