Monitoring the Global and Domestic Tobacco Epidemic

Monitoring the Global & Domestic Tobacco Epidemic
United States of America
To monitor the global tobacco epidemic as well as enhance capacity for tobacco control programs in high-burden tobacco use countries and to measure reductions in e-cigarette use by working to include company retail sales data in national tobacco surveys.
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New CDC Foundation Study Finds Increases in Cooling Flavored E-Cigarette Sales

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Global Tobacco Surveillance Protects People And The Environment

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New CDC Foundation Study Found Statewide Bans On Flavored E-Cigarettes Reduced Total Sales

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Global Tobacco Control Progress and Challenges with New and Emerging Products

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Saving Lives By Improving Use And Access To Tobacco Surveillance Data And Resources

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Monitoring E-Cigarette Unit Sales in the United States, 2014-2020

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Role of Surveillance to Monitor Novel Tobacco and Nicotine Products

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CDC Foundation Launches Global Tobacco Surveillance System Academy Website

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Monitoring E-Cigarette Use Among Youth

Study Shows Positive Result of New Restrictions on Flavored Tobacco Products

A Foundation-led study presented at the 2024 Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco annual meeting found that monthly e-cigarette sales in California declined by 41% after statewide restrictions on the sale of flavored tobacco products took effect. However, the report also noted that the tobacco industry continues to market products to offset these declines, including non-menthol cigarettes that contain other cooling chemicals. Continuing to monitor flavored tobacco product sales is key to assessing policies like these and informing further policy development and implementation.

Monitoring U.S. E-Cigarette Sales: National and State Trends

Since being introduced to the U.S. market in 2007, e-cigarette use among youth has increased to epidemic levels (Surgeon General's Advisory on E-cigarette Use Among Youth, 2018). The availability of flavored e-cigarettes is one of the most commonly cited reasons for e-cigarette use among youth (Tsai et al., 2018). Given the importance of flavors contributing to use of e-cigarettes among youth, these data briefs build on this previously published article, providing an update on trends in unit sales of e-cigarettes in the U.S. by product and flavor type. These retail sales data briefs are intended to provide information about population trends in sales for participating retailers; they do not include online sales or vape store sales and cannot be used to make conclusions about subgroup purchasing or behaviors. These estimates are based on the information available at the time of publication and may be subject to updates as more information becomes available.

National E-Cigarette Data Briefs

Issue 27 (data through 12/31/2023)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 26 (data through 9/10/2023)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 25 (data through 6/18/2023)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 24 (data through 3/26/2023)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 23 (data through 12/25/2022)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 22 (data through 10/30/2022)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 21 (data through 7/10/2022)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 20 (data through 4/17/2022)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 19 (data through 3/20/2022)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 18 (data through 2/20/2022)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 17 (data through 1/23/2022)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 16 (data through 12/26/2021)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 15 (data through 11/28/2021)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 14 (data through 10/31/2021)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 13 (data through 10/3/2021)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 12 (data through 9/5/2021)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 11 (data through 8/8/2021)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 10 (data through 7/11/2021; updated 10/28/21)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 09 (data through 6/13/2021)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 08 (data through 5/16/2021; updated 8/23/21)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 07 (data through 4/18/2021)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 06 (data through 3/21/2021; updated 6/25/21)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 05 (data through 2/21/2021; updated 6/25/21)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 04 (data through 1/24/2021; updated 6/25/21)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 03 (data through 12/27/2020)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 02 (data through 11/29/2020)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 01 (data through 10/4/2020)
data brief, aggregate data

State E-Cigarette Data Briefs

Issue 12 (data through 12/31/2023)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 11 (data through 9/10/2023)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 10 (data through 6/18/2023)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 09 (data through 3/26/2023)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 08 (data through 12/25/2022)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 07 (data through 10/30/2022; updated 1/1/23)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 06 (data through 3/20/2022)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 05 (data through 12/26/2021)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 04 (data through 9/5/2021)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 03 (data through 6/13/2021)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 02 (data through 3/21/2021; updated 7/30/21)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 01 (data through 12/27/2020; updated 7/30/21)
data brief, aggregate data

Supporting Documents

Monitoring U.S. Cigarette Sales

The monitoring of other tobacco product sales in conjunction with the monitoring of e-cigarette sales is necessary to provide a comprehensive picture of the overall U.S. tobacco product market. These cigarette data briefs provide estimates of cigarette sales in the U.S. market overall and select U.S. states. These retail sales data briefs are intended to provide information about population trends in cigarette sales for participating retailers; they do not include online sales or tobacco specialty store sales and cannot be used to make conclusions about subgroup purchasing or behaviors. These estimates are based on the information available at the time of publication and may be subject to updates as more information becomes available.

National and State Cigarette Briefs

Issue 02 (data through 12/31/23)
data brief, aggregate data

Issue 01 (data through 10/08/23; updated 1/18/24)
data brief, aggregate data

chart icon

In 2023, 309.4 million units of e-cigarette products were sold in U.S. retail stores nationwide. This is a decrease of 5.3% from 2022.

Flavored e-cigarette icon

During 2022-2023, unit sales of tobacco flavored e-cigarettes decreased by 11.8% (65.0 to 57.3 million units), while sales of other flavors such as menthol, mint, clear/other cooling, fruit or candy, decreased by 4.3% (260.3 to 249.1 million units)

e-cigarette icon

The market share of disposable e-cigarette products increased from 52.0% to 57.8% between 2022 and 2023. Among disposable e-cigarette products, those with flavors other than tobacco accounted for 94.7% of the market in 2023.

Chronic Diseases
Monitoring E-Cigarette Use Among Youth
United States of America
To generate scientifically defensible and rapidly available data to assess the effectiveness of e-cigarette flavor restriction policies, the Monitoring the E-cigarette Use Among Youth in Select U.S. Cities and States program has been underway since 2019 with program activities that include: 1) analyzing retail sales data for e-cigarettes and other tobacco products and 2) implementing surveys to collect timely estimates of e-cigarette use and related behaviors among youth and young adults.
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