Reducing Maternal Mortality in the United States

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CDC Foundation Partnership to Help Reduce Maternal Mortality in the United States

Strong, accurate data are critical for identifying opportunities for preventing deaths among mothers and designing effective interventions. A new collaboration between the CDC Foundation, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs will produce stronger data than ever before and foster collaboration that can lead to effective interventions. Funding for the collaboration was provided through an award agreement with Merck on behalf of its Merck for Mothers program.

National Public Health Week 2016: Healthiest Nation 2030

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CDC Releases New Vital Signs Focused on Zika and Pregnancy

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Malaria Elimination to Inform Response to Other Disease Challenges

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Golden Opportunity: Malaria Elimination Within Reach for Hispaniola

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500 Cities Project: Local Data for Better Health

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